To whom it may concern,
Make wastland nomad scavangers and shanty dwellers. Give them a combination of gasmasks, hoods, and survival gizmos. Give them a combination of crossbows, lasguns, muskets, blunderbuss and sniper rifles. All of these would be awsome and maybe even some room left for AK47s and curved crystal knives. I think everyone wants to see a freemen, ash-land, scavenger, suvivalist, nomads, that could be from any corner of the galaxy or just Neo-Vegas. Just give them rags and respirators. Drop any culturally specifice or contemporary clothing desighns for just ambiguious hoods, cloaks, rags, respirator, gasmasks, and some hint of a still suit/vac suit underneath it all.
If they can be Star Nomads as well, catcing a ride on the side of a hulk and then grav-chuting into the desert to gather spice, I wouldn't cry about it. Of course re-entry might be a matter of generating a void shield cycle with an assending friction generator sail, but we won't get into the technical details of base jumping off orbital platforms here.
The relibility of lasguns makes sence for sci-fi desert nomads, and a combination of primative poverty weapons like crossbows, muskes, and long jezails makes the line between profeshional nomads and shanty dwellers fittingly ambiguous.
I imagine this type of mini would have its place in any wastland setting or pirate infested space port. I can think of a few out of print sci-fi armies that would benifit from this type of mini, as well as a legendary Hollywood blockbuster that is currently ongoing.
After this you could probably make wind sail skiffs as easily as any heavy weapon team, for all those Commie Goblin and wastland players out there. If the line between these guys and space elf scouts becomes unclear as well then I would consider it a credit to your design (This probably requires some cool visors and ovel shaped stone jewelery or pendants... very understated). This could open the door to Raptor Riders or other lance wielding beast riding desert raiders.
Embrace wasteland nomads and shanty dwellers. You can't go wrong with rags and gasmasks.