Something new is coming...

  • If you've been paying attention for the last few weeks, you've noticed we've asked a lot of questions about your 3D printing habits, your use of printed models compared to other materials, and what you think of various conversion kits, add-ons, characters, and additional full multi-part sets for our ranges.
    We've been busy beavers in the background preparing for a whole new product line and experience for fans of our work. We're not quite ready to announce everything officially, but you'll soon be seeing a massive release of new products from us this month and every month going forward on top of our usual plastic releases. Here's a small taste of what's coming this month...a small, small taste...

  • @Hudson Adams Your quality as usual is brilliant, have you any idea of prices for those of us who do not wish to print, to purchase these models or figures Say I wanted the Necromancer for instance.

  • No idea yet - working on it with 3rd party services now.

  • I have to say it about the Necomancer...

    "Hey buddy, my eyes are down THERE!"


  • Great to see you looking at interesting ways to bring 3d printing into your offerings. 

    It will be great to see this supplement your existing ranges, and sure the sci-fi and fantasy gamers will love the idea of extra conversion and kit bashing pieces alongside new figures.

    Tons of opportunity for your historical kits too, seems a great fit with the army builder model, I've got more Prussian reserves than I can shake a stick at and while I got alternative command figures I'd love some in your sculpting style as an example. Simila maybe it could eventually tweak sprue new sprue layouts by either condensing them or removing repetitive figures (looking at my many many WWI French officers 😆)

    I can only see this working out well, being the first plastic manufacturer to go this route will have many lessons and challenges but I'm sure it will work out and be rewarding in the long term!

  • I would definitely buy pre-printed models, especially extra bodies, arms and head variants for existing ranges. Having them specifically designed to mesh with the plastic ranges will be a god-send to kitbashers like me!

  • The Cavalry looks legit.  Thanks for the female figure.

    Please don't forget the bestest Napoleonic cavalry headgear - the Busby.