1000 Followers for The Damned! Want Free Sprues?
Thank you to our over 1000 Followers on our Gamefound campaign for The Damned! We reached that target very quickly over the weekend once we launched the preview page.
The page has been updated with loads of new stuff, a robust Q+A section, and a list of some of the first freebies you'll be getting (hint: there are a LOT check them out below!)
Now we have a challenge for you - let's get to 3000 Followers at Gamefound and we will give everyone who follows and backs the campaign a FREE sprue of Brutes! This is a 3-figure sprue LOADED with options and a $15 value!
Click on the image below and sign up to follow the campaign. When you put your pledge in you'll automatically receive a free 6-figure frame of The Damned Infantry and if we've made our 3000 goal by launch you'll ALSO receive a frame of Brutes!
Thank you again and please tell your friends so we can get this thing launched in a big way and unlock a bunch of those stretch goals as fast as possible!
Also check out all the freebies you'll get at the different levels as they unlock:
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