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FREE POSTAGE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD when you spend over $50USD/£35 Use the button at the bottom of the page to choose your local currency. We ship from our warehouses in the USA, UK (EU with IOSS), and Australia!


Horsey News - Grognard Cavalry and Savoia Cavalleria!

Horsey News - Grognard Cavalry and Savoia Cavalleria!

Well we had two horse-related things drop today so figured we'd show both at once. 

First up the tooling has completed for the Grognard Cavalry set - here is the main frame T1 with a photo from our factory floor. These parts will work in conjunction with our existing horse frames which will be included in the box. 

And releasing soon for September Tribes members and Atlantic Digital we have a 3-figure set of files for the infamous Savoia Cavalleria WW2 Italian cavalry unit. The file set will come with all the parts shown so that you can build a variety of models

Expect the digital files in the next few days - Grognard Cavalry are being painted now for box photography and they will be released as soon as the boxes are printed and packed! And don't forget that our Skeleton and Afghan Cavalry will soon be with us too! 

And don't forget to get your votes in on your favorite listings at our Vox Populi page as the one with the most votes will be declared the winner on October 1st! 


Previous article Atlantic Digital 2: Bigger and Better


Adrian - October 31, 2023

These look great hoping they hit retail soon

TAPM113 - October 1, 2023

Looking great!

Great improvements on Gasmasked Heads, Weapons and Armour – your R&D is subtle but very noticeable…. and greatly appreciated :-)

Josh - September 29, 2023

I thought they were supposed to be riding raptors?

Bobby K - September 29, 2023

Luca they’re infamous in Russia!

Luca - September 29, 2023

Just to clarify, Savoia Cavalleria is not “infamous”.
As an Italian I wonder why such an epithet for one of the oldest and most glorious regiments.

Zack - September 28, 2023

How did i not know about the Savoia? just looked them up and their history is nuts .
Looking forward to the grognard cavalry will most certainly be picking up a couple.

Dreyf - September 27, 2023

I hope that the Grognard Cavalry will be ready and included when we will buy the EU-add-on choices bonus for the Damned.

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