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Pick Our February Theme!

Pick Our February Theme!

UPDATE! 01/13/23 You Have Spoken! February's theme will be: Religions and Cults! 


Atlantic Digital is delivering up a huge amount of files/sets/models this month - check out all we've done so far here! (click on December 2022 and January preview on this page for the list)

We're ready to get a jump on February so we need your help in picking a theme: 

Previous article On Table Top Review Citizens of Rome!


Les - January 17, 2023

Russian WW1 soldiers please!

Potbelly Miniatures - January 13, 2023

Black History month would be pretty interesting – there’s basically no decent figures for the West African and Sub-Saharan kingdoms. The Kanem or Borno would be amazing

Francisco Alonzo - January 12, 2023

Well… we would need some Kushite Warriors to fight those egyptians in the gametables!! The Kingdom of Kush lasted for several centuries and battled Egyptians, Persians, Macedonians and even the Romans. They even ruled over Egypt for a little while (the 25th dynasty). So, Black Month, why not? :)

Falk - January 12, 2023

Slightly unrelated, but what happened to the Ultramodern set?
And the Afghan cavalry?

Dan - January 11, 2023

Can we get a John Henry Hero for all three ages? Fantasy, modern, and Death Fields

Paul Mitting - January 11, 2023

I am a sucker for any female themed models as they are still under-represented in most gaming eras. Pulp era minis with interchangeable arms & heads is my ideal, but anything I can kitbash is a bonus!

Mark Dewis - January 11, 2023

We’d have to wait 12 months for Black History Month to come around again, so that works for me.

Red Bee - January 11, 2023

Those are some really great themes! I think black history has the biggest potential for interesting war gaming sets, but I wouldn’t glad to support any of these.

Aidan Donaghy - January 11, 2023

Female WW2 soldiers/ Partisans/ Soviets.

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