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Small Scale Survey Results - and Winner!

Small Scale Survey Results - and Winner!

Thanks to the close to 1500 of you who filled out our small scales for plastic survey! We have results and a winner from the 1000+ who left your emails! 

First the results - 6mm and 15mm did the best although if I had lumped 10/12 together it would be right up there. 6mm based on comments seemed to be driven a LOT by Battletech players. 

15mm remains the king of the small scales which makes sense as it's been around for quite a while. 

So what do these results mean for us?'ll just have to wait and see! 

We also want to congratulate Mark Classen from Wisconsin who was randomly chosen and has picked out a box of British SAS/Commandos from our World Ablaze range. Congrats Mark! 

I'm sure we'll be back soon with another survey! 

Previous article Atlantic Digital Prints from Strange Plastic!


Anonymous - August 1, 2023

6mm or 15mm, Hellenistic Antiquity in those Scales need plastic too. :P

GreaverBlade - July 23, 2023

I’m sad I didn’t see this in time to vote. I would love to see some generic sci-fi and WWII in 12mm (1/144 scale) to go along with HG and RG Gundam kits.

Jules - July 21, 2023

6mm customizable mech kits in small, medium and large mech sets… Not the most likely but MAN would that be so cool. 😁

James Cutts - July 15, 2023

Some really interesting results, cant wait to see what comes our way in the future.

There’s a lot of 15mm stuff out there but there’s some great gaps to be filled, 15mm WWII Italian infantry in plastic, or USMC or Japanese infantry sign me up!

I’d never thought of Battletech even though I love the game. 6mm infantry for it would be amazing, something Catalyst Games Labs have said they cant do with their current manufacturing so certainly a gap for it, or maybe even an opportunity for a collaboration, I think the Battletech community would love that?

Also great to see so much love out there for smaller scales!

Daniel Betts - July 15, 2023

For me 6mm is all about those epic ancients/biblical battles, I have never considered the possibilities for scifi before.

Caimheul - July 13, 2023

For me, battletech was a bit of a factor, but less so than the historical and modern miniature games I play at the scale.

Paul Mitting - July 12, 2023

15mm? I can live with that but disappointed we won’t be seeing any 54mm scale minis.
I may need to drag out my old Traveller minis for a run if you make any sci-fi kits.

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