I’m running a world war 2 campaign, so British/Commonwealth, Americans, French, Germans, Soviets, Italian and Japanese are all good…
I’m a huge Fantasy gamer…Bretonnians, High Elves, Dwarves, Mercenaries (or Empire) from a certain system being my armies. But my wife likes Japanese, and fictional Elf and Amazons too. I’ve been remise in collecting evil armies however and now Beastmen/Herd armies, Orcs, Ogres and Lizardmen (wild, savage, primal armies) are appealing to me.
Sci-fi I’ve always favoured Imperial Guard, Eldar, Space Marines or Tau (things that look sci-fi and/or modern) as well as Tyranids, before they became Shooty, to use examples from a well known manufacturer…but I want to develop my own system, and things that have a light sci-fi infantry (Starship Troopers Mobile Infantry, Aliens Colonial Marines, Babylon 5 Earth force, Mass Effect Systems Alliance etc.) feel and aesthetic are most appealing.
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