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What's the Plan, Man?

What's the Plan, Man?

It has been a wild journey since we started out with our first two hard plastic sets last June: the Raumjäger Infantry and the Skeleton Warriors. March will see the release of our 5th, 6th, and 7th sets: Persian Infantry, Afghan Warriors, and Dark Age Irish. World War One Germans are next up after those to make 8.

And when you consider the other two sets are Halfling Militia and Les Grognards, you might be asking just what we’re up to and what is the plan going forward? Trust us, there is an actual plan!

First, there is a sci-fi range: Death Fields which you can read more about on their page here on the site. The first two sets are the Raumjäger and Les Grognards. These will be followed in the next few months with a 3rd faction. Once we’ve covered the standard infantry sets we plan to add heavy weapons and more support to each faction.

Second, there is our Classic Fantasy range. The idea behind Classic Fantasy is pretty much just what it says on the tin: classic races and creatures from old school fantasy like Tolkien and Dungeons & Dragons. We’ve started with skeletons and recently added the halflings. These aren't your silly, pot-bellied, rolling pin-wielding types but a gritty, battle-hardened militia that fights off the very real and very dangerous threats to their homeland - the undead, goblins, trolls, giant spiders, evil humans, and the occasional dragon. We will continue to release sets for the Classic Fantasy range on a regular basis with a long, long list of topics that should appeal to both D&D players and fantasy wargamers.

Third, or perhaps I should say third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and on!, there are our historical ranges. We’ve set out to do things a little differently than others. The established plastic makers tend to have a lot of the core troops with other parts of the ranges covered by metal packs. As we start out we would like to fill in some of those gaps with hard plastic sets and establish ranges that we can add to on a regular basis. There are also several periods that seem to be crying out for plastic that only exist in metal presently.

Here are a few of the first sets and ranges we will be doing:

First Empires: From the Rise of Akkadia to the Fall of Alexander This range will cover a wide swath of time starting with the first civilizations of the eastern Mediterranean through to the conquests of Alexander and beyond. Our first set for the range is Persian Infantry.


Blood Oaths: After Rome Falls Who Will Conquer? This is our Dark Age range covering from the fall of the Western Roman Empire through to the Viking period. The first set for this range is Dark Age Irish.

Imperial Conquests: Battles in the Age of Empire 1815-1914 This range primarily focuses on colonial warfare although we may branch out a bit within the time frame. We are kicking it off with Afghans that are actually suitable for about 1700-1920 or so (longer if you can find some arms with AK-47s and RPGs!)

The Great War: The War to End All Wars 1914-1918 No one has tackled World War One in 28mm plastic so this is a real leap of faith. Our first set is Late War Germans (1916-1918) and if those are a success we will do more for Late War. If those then are successful we will push backward to Early War sets.

We are hopeful that we can grow these ranges and add new ones on a regular basis. We also hope to surprise and delight you by doing some things that have never been done before. And we also have some interesting partnerships and licensed ranges in the works. Here’s looking forward to sets 9-109!

Please join us at our Facebook Group the Wargames Atlantic Legion and tell us what you would like us to do!

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