A Closer Look at the Upcoming Giant Spiders Set
The Giant Spiders are nearing completion and we've started to show more of what's in the set. Each box will include parts for 12 large and 12 small spiders - 24 in all. But wait, there's more!
There are optional sci-fi parts on the sprue to turn each Giant Spider into a technological terror with beam weapons, mechanical legs, and techno-visors. So if you've ever wanted to fight swarms of alien bugs, here is your chance.
Raumjäger Face Off with an alien menace.
Grognards get in on the action.
But wait, there's even more! When you combine the Giant Spider box with our upcoming WAACF004 Goblin Warband box there are saddles and rider bodies to turn your spiders into goblin cavalry units.
These will be available for pre-order in the near future with a release date set for August. All these were painted and photographed by Matthew Leahy.
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