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Vox Populi

Welcome Citizen! Here at Wargames Atlantic we believe in the power of democracy! From our earliest beginnings, we have polled you to find out what you wanted us to make.

So far these polls and contests have given us: Aztecs, Conquistadors, Grognard Cavalry, Skeleton Cavalry, WW1 Russians, Conquistador Cavalry, Renaissance Heavy Cavalry, Afghan Cavalry, the BEF, Dark Ages Army Builder (in production), and Warring States Chinese (in production)!

Below is a poll of all the sets we've talked about making over the years. Vote for your favorite(s) and this will help us decide which moves into production next.

Underneath the poll you will find all the Vox Populi sets that are currently in production with their current status. 


The following sets are previous Vox Populi listings that have gone into the production process. You can check back here to see their current status and the next steps. In general the process goes: Sculpting, Sculpture Review (and any revisions), File Prep, Layout, Tooling, T1 (first test shot), Box Design, Box Printing, Release.

Project Name Current Status Next Steps
Dark Ages Army Builder File Prep Layout
Warring States Infantry, Cavalry, and Chariot Files Review File Prep
Spanish Infantry New Sculpting File Prep
Halfling Cavalry Final Sculpting File Prep
Cannon Fodder Command and Support Sculpting Sculpture Review
Modern Operators Sculpture Review Final Sculpting


Want to get something else on this list? Make sure you're adding the hashtag #voxatlantic to your suggestions so we can find them out there in the wilds of the Interwebs. When sets from this list move to production we'll do additional polling to add new ones!

A caveat: sometimes we might take something from here that isn't as high in the voting ranks and move it ahead anyway. We will also be making MANY other hard plastic sets. This list does not represent everything we plan to make and some of those may take precedence over these for a variety of reasons. But we felt this would be a good way to gauge interest in the sets on this list and help prioritize them.

Happy Wargaming!