Atlantic Digital Gets Questioned! A Video Interview.
Greetings Wargamers!
Our Digital Projects Manager, Maxwell McDougall, recently sat down for an interview with Clio from the popular YouTube channel, Clio’s Painting Bench. You might recognize Clio as a passionate wargamer and advocate for our Far Eastern releases, particularly the Joseon Korean sets.
In their chat, Clio and Max covered the journey of Atlantic Digital, discussed recent releases, and explored exciting potential plans for the future.
If you’d like to listen in, the full interview is linked and embedded in this update post. A heads-up—it’s over an hour and a half of in-depth wargaming discussion. The conversation begins in earnest around the 5-minute mark.
We’d like to extend our thanks to Clio for hosting this engaging interview. Max thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity and looks forward to more discussions about all things Atlantic Digital in the future.
Happy Wargaming!
The Atlantic Digital Team
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