Comparison Photos
Thanks to painter and photographer extraordinaire Mr. Matthew Leahy, we now have some very nice comparison photos to show off. Without further ado:
From Left: Dream-Forge Eisenkern (aftermarket head), Wargames Atlantic Raumjäger, GW Blackstone Traitor Guard, Wargames Atlantic Raumjäger, GW Blackstone Chaos Marine, Wargames Atlantic Raumjäger, GW Cadian Body (aftermarket head)
From Left: Raging Heroes, Wargames Atlantic Raumjäger, GW Cultist, Wargames Atlantic Raumjäger, GW Necromunda Goliath, Wargames Atlantic Raumjäger, GW Tau
From Left: Necromunda Escher, Wargames Atlantic Raumjäger, Victoria Miniatures, Wargames Atlantic Raumjäger, GW Blackstone Rogue Trader, Wargames Atlantic Raumjäger, Raging Heroes
From Left: GW Traitor Guard, Dream-Forge Eisenkern, Wargames Atlantic Skeleton, GW Empire Body (Bretonnian head)
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