Death Fields Digital on Patreon
Since launching Wargames Atlantic Digital over on MyMiniFactory, we have released over 100 STL packs across our 11 ranges.
That being said, one of the most popular demands has been to have access to digital products for a specific range, rather than subscribing to all 11 of them.
To that end, I am happy to report we have listened and taken on board the community feedback, and as of right now you can subscribe to the Death Fields Digital Patreon.
For one low monthly fee of $5, you will receive the regularly released Death Fields Digital product, along with the Welcome pack and a 50% discount code to purchase the existing Death Fields digital range here on our site.
Thank you for your ongoing feedback - we love the discussion! If this is popular we will of course be looking at other ways to use Patreon to get more sets to you!
Click here to check out the new Death Fields Patreon!
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