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Fantasy Races/Classes Survey

Fantasy Races/Classes Survey

This time we're doing something a little different with our survey. We're interested in what kinds of fantasy characters you'd like to see in hard plastic. We know a lot of you are role-players along with being wargamers and may have different desires for that than what you put onto the fields of tabletop battle! 

Artwork for attention by the excellent DarioFish on DeviantArt - check out his work here.

Previous article Atlantic Digital Prints from Strange Plastic!


mvg - September 2, 2023

half-orc cleric/shaman
lamiae (lion type & “lamia noble” serpent type)
orc shaman
half-elevs of any class
armored dwarf testudo

Nathrae - September 2, 2023

Dwarf rogue, thief and wizards, half-orks, Drows.

anthony - September 2, 2023

Gnomes, artificers, alchemists and any others you want to make, bonus points for fancy hats

Zack - September 2, 2023

How about a haphazard take on the cleric/paladin? Bodies that have a mixtures of materials like some chainmail, some robes, thick leather with a few sparse armour plates. A bit templar-ish, the weapon options would be a combination of one and two handed swords, axes, flails shields with a blank field for godly emblems.
You could have a couple different body types say slim, normal and short. This would help govern other races somewhat.
Then with a variety of head to provide flavour such as bucket helms, coifs, goods a nuns habit etc. plus with a couple heads with pointed ears and you’ve got elven clerics as well. Basically as much bang for your buck from one kit.

Sparrow - September 2, 2023

I’d love to see some proper dark caster stuff, a necromancer/cultist kit would be amazing!

Robert Nijkamp - September 2, 2023

I would love to see classes like war mages or warlock, scouts etc.

Richard Bolton - September 2, 2023

Id like to see ratmen with muskets and sci fi weapons

Niguel Vega - September 2, 2023

Make/Female savage Half Orc Barbarian/Ranger, Hide Armor, dual-wielding a very utilitarian looking Battleax and hatchet, maybe several hatchets tucked into his belt/bandolier (for throwing of course!). Optional bow or boar spear.

Paul Mitting - September 2, 2023

I would add my vote for Cat people of any type. They are very under-represented in miniature form and having a hard plastic multi-part set would be a dream come true. Making them size compatible with the sci-fi sets would allow us to also build minis for futuristic games too!

Tom Kennish - September 2, 2023

Generic modular gear, racially diverse heads, a few different sized bodies. ‘NorthStarFrostgrave’ but better…

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