Heat 1: Elimination Round (1 of 6): IT BEGINS!
The Great Big Follow Along Contest begins in earnest! You submitted almost 1500 ideas for hard plastic sets! It took some time, but we eliminated all the duplicates (there were a LOT of duplicates!), took out anything that violated other IPs, anything inappropriate (you know who you are), and ended up with close to 500 final entries. Don't worry though - if you submitted ANYTHING you'll still be eligible to win.
Because of the large number of submissions we are breaking the contest down into multiple Heats and Elimination Rounds. The first Heat starts now with Elimination Round 1. Rounds 2-6 will follow over the next few days.
The Top 10 in each Round will be combined for Heat 2 voting next week. We will then move toward the final 10 and ultimately choose one set to make.
Without further ado, let the voting begin...
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