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Heat 2 Starts Now: Heat 2, Round 1

Heat 2 Starts Now: Heat 2, Round 1

Our Great Big Follow Along Contest continues into Heat 2! We've taken the Top 10 from each of the six Rounds of Heat 1 and broken them down into four Rounds of 15 selections each. Come back each day to vote on all 4. 


Previous article Atlantic Digital Prints from Strange Plastic!

Comments - May 2, 2021

I understand the frustration concerning some of the very generic sets and even I as a Dwarf-fan didn’t vote in their favour as there are mountains of the out there already.

I beg to differ concerning the WWII Female Resistance though, as these would be useful for all sorts of settings like pulp, fantasy (Cthulhu comes to mind), all the 20th century wars and civil wars, post apocalyptic settings, zombie scenarios etc.

My daughter certainly wouldn’t mind some reinforcements for her women’s team.

Y. Whateley - April 30, 2021

Conscience: “there are other historical periods and – gulp! – other universes to explore…
I can’t understand how so many people voted something so awful like ‘WW2 Female Resistance’ or something absolutely vapid as ‘Classic Fantasy Dwarves’….”

A lot depends on how you look at it, of course.

A mix of male and female “WW2” Resistance and any company’s WWII American GIs vs. WargamesAtlantic’s giant spiders or the proposed Martians or Retro-Scifi-Guys, and you’ve got a 1950s B-movie universe, for example. Those female Resistance, like the male resistance, would likely be wearing clothing styles that span beyond WWII from the late ‘20s to the early ’50s, and would thus likely make splendid characters for pulp horror and detective games (just add any of the great variety of Lovecraft monsters, vampires, werewolves, etc. that are available for generic fantasy games!) They’d mix well with gangster and police kits, if anyone would make such kits! Kit-bash them with the proposed corporate security for Cyberpunk Noir characters, and kitbash them with fantasy stuff for “Shadowrun” style fantasy-cyberpunk games….

There are many suggestions that seem “boring” by themselves, but become much more interesting when mixed with other genres, or kitbashed out of their default genre, for anyone willing to think outside the box (or, think outside the box art and labels!)

That said, there are sooooo many WWII Americans and Germans, and so many Generic Fantasy Dwarfs, Elves, Goblins, Orcs, and Undead being made by other companies, that more of the same just feels redundant. One would really prefer seeing something nobody else is doing, in genres or historical periods that nobody else is doing, in concepts that allow more crossover potential than the generic WWII and Medieval/Dark-Ages Euro stuff everyone else is doing, or would be allowed for by the high-concept stuff that seems to be most popular (Space-Germans are a bit tough for me to think up uses for… generic Lizard-Men with a range of medieval, steampunk, and sci-fi weapons are priceless!)

So, rather than Generic Fantasy Dwarfs, if someone were to do dwarfs dressed in generic outfits other than medieval/Dark-Ages chainmail and plate armor (perhaps Renaissance, Victorian, Puritan, or noir civilian costume?), with a range of (non-axe) medieval, dieselpunk, and sci-fi weapons, I’ll be quite a bit more interested: nobody else is doing that, and they’d open the door to some of those other universes beyond generic fantasy and European-theater WWII that everyone else has solidly covered!

J. - April 30, 2021

Yes, God knows how we need another set of plastic dwarves; especially round, fat, comic ones who are basically just beardballs with feet and hands. This is exactly what’s needed to stand up to whatever really fearsome Orc models that may be produced.

Wait, I know, how about Early Impeial Romans!!! Nobody’s EVER made those in styrene and they’re the most ultimate soldiers in the entire universe who never lost a battle!!!!!!

…sarcasm folks.

Frederik F. - April 30, 2021

Really banking on Zapatistas….

Marko - April 30, 2021

We really need a “None of the above” option on the survey.

conscience - April 30, 2021

Can we have something which is NOT another, ultra – boring, WW2 sets?

Goddammit, there are other historical periods and – gulp! – other universes to explore…
I can’t understand how so many people voted something so awful like “WW2 Female Resitance” or something absolutely vapid as " Classic Fantasy Dwarves"

Mattias Calvignac - April 30, 2021

damn, I do like space pirates, but I also like landskenechts, especially fielding them with the ogre versions, coule be a great set of frostgrave warbands

Dave - April 30, 2021

If the Zapatistas are chosen then would they be modern-day (Zapatistas uprising) Zapatistas from the Zapatista Army of National Liberation?

Dave - April 30, 2021

If the Zapatistas are chosen then would they be modern-day (Zapatistas uprising) Zapatistas from the Zapatista Army of National Liberation?

JTam - April 29, 2021

I hope this mean WW2 US Army Infantry in the Pacific is already in development. I want to field the 158th Bushmasters!

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