Italians, Panzer Lehr, Death Fields Sprue Out in USA!
We're happy to announce the WW2 Italians and Panzer Lehr sets along with the Death Fields Weapon Upgrade Sprue is now in stock in the US warehouse and all pre-orders will have shipped to North and South American customers by the end of the day.
For customers who are served from our Australian and UK warehouses, these sets are en route and we hope to have them in place and shipping out to you in the next week to ten days. Keep an eye on the Release Schedule page for the latest.
Thanks for your patience as we have gotten the US plastic operation up and fully operational now working at 3 shifts 7 days a week.
Conquistadors and Aztecs are almost finished boxing and will be headed to the warehouses very soon. After those we have four restocks: Partisans, British Riflemen, Les Grognards, and Cannon Fodder. Then a mix of restocks and new sets will be out.
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