Kitbashing Plastic and Digital and 3D Printed Ogres
Hello Wargamers!
It is I, Max, your humble Arcane Artifact Steward. For those of you new to Wargames Atlantic, I am the Digital Products Manager responsible for leading the digital team and bringing you excellent STL file sets to broaden your Wargames Atlantic miniature collections.
I'm here today to talk about ogres. Large, brutish creatures, they are also dependable linebreakers useful for adding some punch to any army. Recently on Atlantic Digital, we released a set of ogres in plate armor. While it is a fantastic set on its own, it can be so much more with a little bit of hobby work. Specifically
by combining their bodies with extra parts leftover from our plastic Landsknecht sets.
The plastic Landsknecht ogres are a great set, though there are a lot of parts that end up in a hobbyist's bits box after building the 9 ogres the box contains. By utilizing bodies printed from the ogres in plate armor kit, you can effectively reduce the number of those extra parts while expanding your ogre forces with
And, if you are more in a mood for sci-fi goodness, the Les Grognard Ogres can be used to use up the sci-fi parts meant for "The Vain" in the plastic set.
Our partners at Strange Plastic (where you can get our digital sets printed, if you do not own a 3D printer) have made available several packs of bodies from the ogre sets, if you want to make similar conversions yourself. I received the initial test run of these body packs last week, and my hobby time since has been building and starting to paint them up.
For the purposes of this article, I built 3 greatsword ogres, 3 gunners/cannoneers, and 3 halberdiers, aswell as model with pistol meant as a captain. As the ogre bodies are scaled in accordance with our plasticogres, the arms and heads fit with minimal alternation. And the only major fixes are the filling of a fewgaps with your hobby material of choice. I used blue-yellow kneadite, colloquially known as "greenstuff". This was mainly with the arms, especially so in the case of the halberd arms.
Once together, you can prime them however you like. I worked from a black primer coat on these models, shown off quite well by my captain Hragghnan Krawtusk (an ogre-ization of "Hernan Cortes", the infamous conqueror of Mexico.)
Here are some painted examples in the form of the greatswordsmen, painted in the yellow and red scheme of my landsknecht ogre forces. I am planning to expand upon these, using up as many of the ogre heads wearing morion helmets as possible. Together with the captain, they will form the Conquestogres.
And that's a wrap. If you enjoyed this article and want to use up Landsknecht Ogre parts waiting in your bits box, see the links previously mentioned for the strange plastic torso sets. Future updates on Hragghnan and his Conquestogres will be posted in the Atlantic Digital Legion on Facebook if you would
like to follow along. I would love to see what the community comes up with, so post your own hobby progress there too!
Happy Wargaming!
Maxwell McDougall
Atlantic Digital Products Manager
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