Prep for Launch!
The BIG DAMNED DAY is almost here! We've been totally chuffed (I think that's how the English guys say it) with the hugely positive response to The Damned - thank you!
We've been keeping tabs on all your comments since launching the initial test campaign pages and that's resulted in some big changes that we think you'll love:
The main Reward Levels - 3, 5, 10, and 15 box deals have all been designed to let you mix-and-match ANY unlocked sets. So as the campaign begins you'll only have 4 to choose from, but as we hit stretch goals there are an additional 9+ Damned sets to unlock! Yes 9++! So we encourage you to back big to help us blast through those stretch goals and unlock as much as possible! (You might be asking us for a 20 box reward level by the time this thing is done!)
Here's something about Gamefound that's a little different from Kickstarter and others: Add-ons. You can pledge to the campaign without choosing a Reward. You can literally just buy one box if you want. Or you can buy a few boxes AND a Reward. You can even, if you want, buy multiple rewards! Want a 10 box and a 15 box then have at it! It's an incredibly flexible platform!
Yes, your eyes do not deceive you. Just like we do from our website we are shipping WORLDWIDE for FREE for any pledge over $50! Because we already operate out of three global warehouses (US, UK, and Australia) and because we're adding one in the EU for this campaign, we can provide everyone with FREE SHIPPING anywhere in the world! Just spend $50 and you can kiss postage costs goodbye! (And really, who isn't going to buy more than one box!)
Here's the fun part! We've been highlighting the free stuff that will be added to each pledge of 3, 5, 10, and 15 box deals and we recently added a big bunch of stretch goals IN BETWEEN the ones we already had in place (7 new ones have been added!).
We're really trying not to tempt the Gods of Hubris so we're only showing stretch goals up to $500K. We also didn't want to be caught flat-footed if this takes off the way some folks are telling us, so we have additional stretch goals going much higher and ready to be turned on just in case! (And we hope they are because there are so many other sets to unlock!)
What does that mean for you? Lots and LOTS of FREE plastic! After the initial stretch goals (posted here on the campaign page already) are reached, we'll be unlocking the following:
- Fully Painted Damned Army from Cult of Paint!
- The Damned Female Infantry
- A sprue to Damn-ify your plastic tanks and other vehicles
- The Damned Heavy Infantry
- A sprue of sci-fi terrain for your battlefield
- The Damned Power Armor
- Extra Frames of Parts for Each of the Original Sets (more poses, more bits!)
- Alternate mounts for the Outriders
- The Damned Scout Snipers
- The Damned Gene-edited Hybrids
- A FREE Damned vehicle!
- Bases in every box!
- One lucky backer will get to make a plastic set with us!
- Maybe even another sci-fi vehicle (it’s ready for tooling)
- And potentially much more…it’s really up to you!
This campaign is coming in Damned hot! We are just NASA hours away from kicking this off on Tuesday May 30th at 10AM Eastern/3PM GMT time!
To make sure you don't miss anything here's a free service to give you a "Wake Up Call" on the day!
We can't wait to see where this Damned adventure will take us! Every day we'll be updating you with new images and previews of sets. We think everyone will be thrilled if we can get to those lofty heights and unlock some truly amazing extras! Until Tuesday!
PS Make sure you Follow the campaign on Gamefound because if you do that before the launch and then pledge you'll get a FREE sprue of Damned Infantry. AND if we hit 3K followers by launch time you'll also get a FREE sprue of Brutes! So click HERE to follow!
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