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"Space Brits" Prepare for Tea Time

"Space Brits" Prepare for Tea Time

Our "Space British" (name TBA) have moved to layout for tooling and Matthew Leahy has started in on the test models. Like our other Death Fields sets this will include 24 figures with a variety of standard rifles, assault rifles, heavy guns, plasma, grenade launchers, and more. Four hat/helmet types and gasmask options will give you the ability to customize your units. No release date yet but early 2022 for certain.

Artwork by Mark Stacey

Painted test models by Matthew Leahy

Previous article Atlantic Digital Prints from Strange Plastic!


Paul Inman - January 28, 2022

These look so cool, especially all the different head options. I wonder if at some point in the future we might see Space Jocks (highland infantry) or Space Aussies (shorts and t-shirt) as some of these heads could easily be reused.

James - January 20, 2022

Looking forward for these guys: please, make sure I’ll have every head I need for my IG Praetorian Army! Great work indeed!

Felix Gonzalez - December 28, 2021

After purchasing an undisclosed amount of products, I am absolutely thrilled to know that this group of, “Space Brits”, will no doubt dominate the battlefield as my version of Astra Militarum. I am and will be looking forward to this new release.

Felix Gonzalez - December 28, 2021

After purchasing an undisclosed amount of products, I am absolutely thrilled to know that this group of, “Space Brits”, will no doubt dominate the battlefield as my version of Astra Militarum. I am and will be looking forward to this new release.

Mr Badger - December 16, 2021

I have been eyeing Wargames Atlantic kits for a while now, but, for whatever reason, this is the set that has me genuinely excited. The aesthetic of the kit, while subtle, really works for me (although this could in part be due to the superb art and brushwork of Messrs. Stacey and Leahy). And, on reflection, I think rifles rather than laser guns were a wise design choice. As others have pointed out, if someone wants ‘lasguns’ for proxy Praetorians then that should prove a pretty straight forward conversion. Fingers crossed that the release date of ‘early 2022’ means ‘early-early 2022’. Can’t wait.

Y. Whateley - December 9, 2021

Hey, now that Kevin mentions it, they DO look more than a little “Wrath of Khan” – which probably isn’t coincidental, given the ‘Star Trek’ space-navy/wagon-train-to-the-stars concept: it wouldn’t be the only way that the show and its movies and spin-offs have borrowed from historical militaria, discovery, and frontier settlement tropes!

With that in mind, we could definitely use some more accessory sprues with options that include bare heads, “rubber-forehead-alien” (including “space-elf”) heads, and arms with retro-rayguns, scanners, communicators, and the like: these guys – like the Cannon Fodder guys (whose jumpsuits are a little more original-series) – make a great “Space-Fleet Red-Shirt Squad” :)

Kevin Scrivner - December 8, 2021

Their uniforms look a bit “Wrath of Khan” -ish to me, which is a good thing. Spock could have benefitted from cap or helmet to hide that awkward Vulcan haircut he wore.

Sven-Ole Pedersen - December 7, 2021

Call them “The Old Contemptibles.”

FrankR - December 6, 2021

Today I get 2 packages from “Prussion Infantry” at the Franco-German War from Perrys… and Wargames Atlantic worked on a bavarian-box in the same epoch … How about an Weapons Upgrade Sprue for “Space Bavarians”?

Y. Whateley - December 5, 2021

For those who missed it (and there are a couple comments that sound like that’s the case), an update from June shows some preview renders for parts-in-progress for this set:

The preview render is of course subject to changes, and not necessarily everything that will be in the set, but the preview does include Brodie-style helmets (as well as peaked caps, bearskins, and Victorian-style custodian/pith helmets), including some heads with gas masks, as well as a variety of weapons (including rocket launchers, flame-throwers, plasma guns, and shotguns or grenade launchers. and space-revolvers (Webley style, I think?), in addition to the space-Enfield rifles and space-Lewis-guns. Looks like they’ve got just about everything mentioned in the comments, except the cuppa tea! :)

The uniforms and such do seem to have been given a subtle sci-fi touch – such as knee, shoulder, and elbow armor, and that sort of thing: not really a futuristic sci-fi, but more of a Victorian sci-fi “steampunk” style take on the subject – they look like they’ll be perfect for Space 1889 and similar VSF and steampunk games of the sort that assume an alternate history where the sci-fi inventions of H.G. Wells and Jules Verne allowed Victorian era empires to colonize Mars, Venus, and other planets in the 1800s, and there seems to be an otherwise unserved niche for them in Warhammer 40K, in addition of course to their use in Death Fields.

The Death Fields accessory sprue #1 available for pre-order includes laser rifles and other futuristic weapons, for those looking for something just a little more sci-fi than those revealed so far for these “Space Brits”, and I’m sure we can look forward to additional Death Fields accessory sprues with even more variety, if the first set is a success! :)

For historical gamers, there was a preview from August for a similar set of WWI British soldiers, without the sci-fi spin:

That historical set preview includes Brodie helmets, several styles of military caps, and turbans for Gurkha soldiers, including some heads with gas masks, as well as a variety of weapons including Lewis Guns, Enfields, and Webleys, and even a selection of trench weapons.

And it looks like there’s at least two sets of historical Victorian-era British soldiers in development to accompany a set if Sepoys for Indian Mutiny conflict games (and, no doubt, games involving conflicts elsewhere in the British Empire at the time!)

So, it seems Wargames Atlantic is covering both sci-fi and fantasy gamers interested in British soldiers of this sort in either historically-accurate realism from the mid-1800s to WWI, or Victorians-in-Space / Steampunk sci-fi styles, with no less than five great sets (including those rebellious Indian Sepoys, two sets of Indian Rebellion British soldiers, WWI British infantry, and Space Brits) in the works even as we speak – another exciting year of Wargames Atlantic releases seems to be waiting for us! :)

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