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The Great Wargaming Survey 2021!

The Great Wargaming Survey 2021!

It's that time of year again: time to make your voice heard and be counted as a proud wargamer! 

Every year for the past dozen or so years, the fine fellows at Wargames Soldiers & Strategy Magazine have published this survey of the greater wargames world. 

By participating (along with about 10,000 others) it gives us a view of the hobby and it's health, what the fads are and how interests evolve whether it be scale, miniature material, or historical periods. 

And filling it in is not without reward! Along with vouchers from WSS themselves there are dozens of great prizes donated from across the wargames "industry" (that may be a bit too grandiose a word for it!). So make your mark and have a chance to win by entering here.

Previous article A New Miniature!


Jim Conroy - September 29, 2021

Great stuff!

would love to see a full series on Turkish infantry (Janissary 1500s thru 1700s) and Sipahi and raiding Cavalry packs

Jonathan - September 22, 2021

I am very much looking forward to the Late Roman Army Builder. Any idea when this might hit the shelves?

Y. Whateley - September 11, 2021

I couldn’t find a better place to write this, but I just wanted to say I love the Friday emails, especially the sneak-peaks Behind the Curtain: there’s always something exciting to see there!

Y. Whateley - September 1, 2021

Gerrit Wruck – August 24, 2021: “What is with the Box of the Chinese Boxer Rebellion? When will this Box released?”

Check out the Release Schedule page – Wargames Atlantic has started including sets that are “in the pipeline”, with a note of where they are in development! The Boxers as I write this appear to be in tooling – not sure how long it takes to get from tooling to release and that no doubt can vary, but manufacturing surely isn’t far away! (At a guess, maybe a matter of a couple months?)

Intriguingly, there are at the moment no less than 11 “secret sets” in development. I love surprises! :)

John Hopkins - August 29, 2021

My first “wargame” was played in 1959 (AH – Gettysburg). I have been an on again off again gamer concentrating on board gaming. I hope to add miniature gaming and thanks Atlantic for proving a reasonable cost way for that entry.

Anonymous - August 24, 2021

Your Models are Great and ist is Good to see how close you are to the Customers. Greetings from germany. But I have one question, please. What is with the Box of the Chinese Boxer Rebellion? When will this Box released?

George Purdy - August 23, 2021

I really Appreciate your attention and openness with us the humble consumers. I am glad to have turned others onto your products one is particularly interested in your space brits.

George Purdy - August 23, 2021

I really Appreciate your attention and openness with us the humble consumers. I am glad to have turned others onto your products one is particularly interested in your space brits.

Joe Ballew - August 23, 2021

Thanks for your great stuff!

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