Vote for the $250K Stretch Goal!
As promised, we're putting you in charge on picking which of these will unlock at $250K! (The runner-up will unlock at $270K too!)
First up the Mutation Sprue - this will be a sprue chock full of mutated limbs, heads, and more to bring the full horror of The Damned to your tabletop!
Next are The Damned Heavy Infantry who are the true tip of the spear in battle against their opponents. Heavily armed and armored these fanatical warriors will fight on through the most horrific losses.
Finally we have the Gene-Edited Warriors. The Damned, already genetically mutated by the damaged environment of their failed habitat, have taken readily to genetic modifications to further warp and enhance themselves as warriors. By incorporating the genetic code of other mammals they've become stronger, faster, and more ferocious on the battlefield. This specialist unit is a sure way to tip the odds in a Death Fields match.
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