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Poul Christian Secher - November 7, 2020

Early WW2 great coated infantry.
If done cleaverly, with separate front bodies (Different button arrangements between nations), ammo punches, heads maybe footwear this set could be used for Danes (!!), Norwegians, Germans, French, Poles, Soviets, Rumanians, Dutch ect.
As heads and rifles would be quite diverse between nations, I guess the release might need to be split into a box of riflemen only, and another box for automatic/squad support weapons.
A lot would be reuseable from one box to the other (Heads, bodies ect.) and maybe it would ‘just’ be a case of having all arms/weapons on seperate sprues, so the basic body/heads sprue could remain the same?
The rifle set could include eg. Mauser 98K, Krag-Jörgensen, Mosin-Nagant, Mannlicher M35 and Lebel rifles.
The automatic/support could include eg. MP38/40, MAS38 and PPD-34/38 SMGs, the Madsen M24, MG34, FM24/29 LMGs and the BAR automatic rifles.
The potential for a dedicated support set is definitely there, as many of the early/minor nations used the same support weapons, such as browning HMGs, Brandt mortars ect. The body sprue would have to include kneeling figures, though.

Poul Christian Secher - November 7, 2020

Early WW2 great coated infantry.
If done cleaverly, with separate front bodies (Different button arrangements between nations), ammo punches, heads maybe footwear this set could be used for Danes (!!), Norwegians, Germans, French, Poles, Soviets, Rumanians, Dutch ect.
As heads and rifles would be quite diverse between nations, I guess the release might need to be split into a box of riflemen only, and another box for automatic/squad support weapons.
A lot would be reuseable from one box to the other (Heads, bodies ect.) and maybe it would ‘just’ be a case of having all arms/weapons on seperate sprues, so the basic body/heads sprue could remain the same?
The rifle set could include eg. Mauser 98K, Krag-Jörgensen, Mosin-Nagant, Mannlicher M35 and Lebel rifles.
The automatic/support could include eg. MP38/40, MAS38 and PPD-34/38 SMGs, the Madsen M24, MG34, FM24/29 LMGs and the BAR automatic rifles.
The potential for a dedicated support set is definitely there, as many of the early/minor nations used the same support weapons, such as browning HMGs, Brandt mortars ect. The body sprue would have to include kneeling figures, though.

Chris - October 29, 2020

I am a big fan of the Death Fields stuff, more Guard stand ins styled after real historical armies are always appreciated.

Will - October 28, 2020

For the next Death Fields releases, please include female heads on the sprue! We’ve been waiting literal decades to make integrated guard regiments.

Brett - October 28, 2020

For something a bit different, maybe a box that offered a variety of animals. I’m thinking anything from chickens, pigs, dogs, wolves, to cows, or whatever. And if you want to have extra options/parts in it, they can be different heads, or add on stuff like armour or cargo/harnesses or just collars. I can’t find really any good wildlife sets out there, and think you guys can do a solid job of it!

Christopher Rett - October 27, 2020


Falk - October 27, 2020

I also just realized how much I would appreciate plastic infantry for the Sikh Wars and the Indian Mutiny.

Daniel - October 26, 2020

Great will be
Ancient civilian slaves/ people
Assysrian infantery
Italian ww2 infantery
Caesarian romans
Parther cavallery

BZ - October 25, 2020

Dwarf cavalry (but on boars or rams, not on ponies)
Fantasy/historical war chariots
Fantasy amazons/shieldmaidens (cloaks)/valkyres(wings)
Horsed archers (like huns)
Highland dwarves (with kilts)
Space pirates (classic piratey design with sci-fi weapons

Erebus - October 25, 2020

I would like to see you force yourself minions in Dreamforge to get back to work making “Levaitans”.

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