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Advice Wanted! Work-in-Progress Napoleonic Russian Greatcoats

Advice Wanted! Work-in-Progress Napoleonic Russian Greatcoats

This is a VERY VERY early work-in-progress shot of a Napoleonic Russian in a greatcoat. We wanted to post it up early as we know the community can identify all the things that are wrong with it quickly and help us fix it and move it along faster. 

This will be part of an Army Builder set - most likely 60 figures in march attack poses without command. There will be backpacks and sword hangers and at least two hat types. Depending on how the design goes the sword hanger/backpack may be combined (or not) and/or may be a separate piece. Heads will be separate. Arms will be attached to the bodies (see our Prussian Reserve Army Builder for an example of similar figures)

Don't let the render trick your eye on proportions and sizing as these are scaled to match the Prussian Reserve. Please let us know what you'd like us to change/refine and where we got it right and where we got it wrong. But please also keep in mind we know this is not 100% correct and the reason we are putting it out here so early is to make sure we do it right for you. Thanks! 

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Anonymous - June 12, 2021

I agree with Peter, love the look but would prefer the absolute minimum of assembly, only heads to add so they could also be Crimea. I assume attack march like the Prussians for pose. Also agree a lot better to cut a plume off than try to add it.

Cliff McLeod - June 12, 2021

Even though they will be covered, the cross-belts should end in a v-shape at the small of the back to connect into the cartridge pouch and hanger. Also the pack straps shouldn’t wrap around the shoulder but end at the edges of the pack.
Also is his head/chin a tad too big? You should see part of his collar from the front.
Otherwise looks good.

Mark O - June 11, 2021

Most recent evidence I’m aware of from Russian sources is that earlier Shako was far more commonly used even from 1812, and the evidence for that 1812 shako is more limited. Note Perry have now produced 1809 Shakos with 1812 thin plumes to account for this. Definitely include option for earlier Shako I think, plus forage cap or grenadier shako if possible.

Mac Coxhead - June 11, 2021

Agreeing with comments already made – there should be no edging to the cross belts, nor the back-pack straps – the buckle on the right side of the chest is correct for 1808-10 according to Funcken although for 1812-15 (which you appear to be modelling due to the shorter coat and gaiters) the buckle should be closer to the centre, however there should also be a thinner strap for a forage bag in this period. For a grenadier (three grenade badge) there should be a plume. Epaulettes should be buttoned OVER all the straps not under as is shown on the illustration above. Great job though :)

Kurt - June 11, 2021

Idclike to see thecplume on the shako. It can be cut off for line units but is always hard to getcenough heads to make grenadiers. Same goes for the plate, you show the grenadier plate with 3 flames, can easily be trimmed off for single flame for line troops. Cross belts should be smooth. Looking good so far.

Adi - June 11, 2021

Will definitely echo the comments made here and on the Facebook page about including forage cap head options. That alone can extend the usability of these figures well into the 1850s.

Kid Cthulhu - June 11, 2021

I’m not a historicals player and I’m pretty sure the pose is just to show off the details of the uniform. But I would snap this guy up as-is in a heartbeat for any number of sci-fi projects.

Alex - June 11, 2021

Hello, i think you could also use that russian with “métal” for the Crimean War, the coat was similar between the two period

Greg Dryanski - June 11, 2021

If the figures are made with separate heads, including the earlier 1806 shako could also allow for them to be used as 1831 Poles in greatcoats. (The campaign began in November. and continued through the winter.)

evan - June 11, 2021

I believe you’re modelling later Russians based on the 1812 Shako, right? It looks like you’re going for a combination of trouser gaiters and the earlier pattern boots. Even on winter campaigns in the later war I believe they used black gaiter covers and a white gaiter-trouser combination in the summer.

I’m not confident enough on Russian early war uniforms to know if the boots are correct though I think they had no buttons.

Also, the edging on the straps and pack, is confusing. I know this is a grenadier of some sorts based on the Shako badge, but unless it’s a specific uniform for the Guards most of the straps I’ve seen have been single bands with no trim for line infantry and grenadiers.

Regardless, beautiful mini. Very excited to put more Russians on the table.

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