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Advice Wanted! Work-in-Progress Napoleonic Russian Greatcoats

Advice Wanted! Work-in-Progress Napoleonic Russian Greatcoats

This is a VERY VERY early work-in-progress shot of a Napoleonic Russian in a greatcoat. We wanted to post it up early as we know the community can identify all the things that are wrong with it quickly and help us fix it and move it along faster. 

This will be part of an Army Builder set - most likely 60 figures in march attack poses without command. There will be backpacks and sword hangers and at least two hat types. Depending on how the design goes the sword hanger/backpack may be combined (or not) and/or may be a separate piece. Heads will be separate. Arms will be attached to the bodies (see our Prussian Reserve Army Builder for an example of similar figures)

Don't let the render trick your eye on proportions and sizing as these are scaled to match the Prussian Reserve. Please let us know what you'd like us to change/refine and where we got it right and where we got it wrong. But please also keep in mind we know this is not 100% correct and the reason we are putting it out here so early is to make sure we do it right for you. Thanks! 

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Mike Panko - June 11, 2021

Recommend making them in field caps….this way they can be a variety of infantry and also double over to the Crimean War.

Kevin Slimak - June 11, 2021

Don’t like the pose. Way too 2-dimensional. Because of the way the hands are held, it would also be tough to base. Way to static for my taste….prefer marching pose, but advancing is OK. Not fond of firing poses for linear warfare games…..though I prefer them for skirmishers or skirmish gaming.
Also don’t like the raised edges on the belts. I know they would be easier to paint with black lining than flat belts, but they don’t match what I see on most references for what the belts looked like.
I’m assuming that there will be Grenadier heads with the plume, or is it your intent to just assume that the plume is removed since the overcoat is being worn?

Peter Harris - June 11, 2021

I’m no expert and they look great to me. Personally for army builders I would prefer the least amount of building. So I incorporated backpack and sword hangers please.

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