overall, i'm happy with buying these. they'll do just fine for what i need. the models look great. you get three sprues, each one builds a wheeled cart and a tripod, and one of each weapon type to put on them. really, just awesome models for the price. and you even get the bits to make a command squad thrown in, basically for free. but...
there's just a couple things worth mentioning.
1) build instructions. usually, for basic infantry, this really isnt that big a deal and i dont mind that Wargames Atlantic leaves it out to cut costs. but there's a few pieces here that i really had to analyze the stock photos on the box for a while before i figured out where it was supposed to go. my suggestion would be to use the back of the box to show some basic diagrams or alternate views of the models, so its easier to tell what goes where.
2) the inclusion of the command squad is great. honestly, they're basically just free bonus bits when buying the weapon teams. so i want to give full-marks A++ for their inclusion. except, their inclusion is kind of a cop-out. what you might not realize (and they've cleverly worded the box description so that you'd probably assume incorrectly) is that you can choose to build the command squad INSTEAD of making a crew for the guns. each sprue gives you four sets of legs (two squatting, one sitting, one standing). so if you want to build a command squad, most of your weapon 'teams' need to go without a spotter. thats really annoying. again, the inclusion of the bits here at all is generous. its awesome that ive got some extra medkits and radio packs (and even a bottle of wine, with glass!) now, but i cant put them on anyone from this box because i built everyone as weapon teams. maybe just rename the product to "command squad OR heavy support"? or better yet, include one extra mini-sprue of legs/torsos instead of giving me all these heads. like seriously, there are DOUBLE the amount of heads needed already on the main sprue. then they throw in some extra mini sprues totalling SIXTY-THREE extra heads. that's more heads than id need for an entire army...in _one_ tertiary kit. i know you want to give people options but i'd rather have bodies that allow me to actually build whats advertised on the box. if people want access to these heads so bad, sell a bundle of them alone for like $10 instead of throwing them away in these kits for free.
3) not even a complaint really, but worth mentioning. weirdly, there's a bit used in the official photo on the box that isnt included on the sprue. if you look at the photo on the box art, there are two distinct 'windows'. one surrounding the tri-barrel and the other on the plasma weapon. but the second 'window' bit doesnt exist. each sprue only has one and its the window thats only open on one side. the window thats slightly open on both sides doesnt exist. kind of a shame, because i would've liked to have built all my weapons with that window.