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Atlantic Digital - Choose the Theme!

Atlantic Digital - Choose the Theme!

We have been preparing for some time now to launch a new product category for Wargames Atlantic: Atlantic Digital! Over the last week or so we've been previewing some of the models, multi-part sets, and characters that will be part of Atlantic Digital. 

Our goal at Wargames Atlantic has always been to make as many highly detailed plastic box sets as we possibly can (37 and counting in three years now)! And we will always be pushing to get more and more of them out to you each month. As we’ve put in place the system we use now to make those hard plastic sets - design, sculpting, Freeform and mold engineering, tooling, injection, packaging, fulfillment, and distribution - we’ve realized we can do a lot more.

We’ve also always wanted to just make MORE STUFF! We have so many ideas and so many talented people that it’s a shame that not everything we design can be made in plastic. Some things are just not right for the plastic production process (too many undercuts or needing too many fiddly parts) and some things maybe can’t justify the enormous expense of mold tooling, mass production, and packaging.

Every month Atlantic Digital will release a mix of new products for all 11 of our current ranges (9 historical ranges, Classic Fantasy, and Death Fields and maybe others as we grow). These products will be spread across the following categories: full multi-part sets, character figures, conversion parts for existing plastic sets, terrain, and vehicles. These will be available in the following formats: 

  • Massive STL file release via a MyMiniFactory Tribe with a monthly membership
  • Individual STL files and file sets sold via MyMiniFactory and soon on our own site
  • Physical manufactured models through Only-Game and soon on our own site
  • Physical manufactured models available through distributors and retailers across the world

This will allow those who print their own miniatures to have access to everything and those who just want physical models to be able to order and receive them in the post just like our plastic sets. 

As part of Atlantic Digital we'll also be asking you to vote on things to make, suggest characters and figure sets or accessories, and generally be a big part of the process. This will let us make more of what you want much more quickly while you wait for each plastic set to be released. And some of the things that start off in Atlantic Digital will also make it into hard plastic sets later (and you'll be part of that too!) 

The first part of this new journey will be launching soon at MyMiniFactory, but in the meantime we want you to tell us where you want us to go next. The first month's release is massive with something for everyone (and much more than we've teased on the Forum and social media). Going forward each month's release will be built around a theme. Help us pick the December 2022 theme below! 


Previous article Introducing Grand Battle Scale!


David Dayton - October 11, 2024

Wizards, Artificers and constructs (as in various gollums and mechanical soldiers) I have always wanted a army of them in a fantasy war game they should be the quintessential opponents of necromancers but no one ever uses them.

Scott Beil - March 12, 2024

Witch or Vampire hunters in the theme of Brotherhood of the Wolf.

handszhang - December 4, 2022

hope you can make some infantry leg for goblin
and more mount for them(like wolf boar etc)

Rich B - November 14, 2022

Plain naked bodies for conversion. Proper face, hair and hands. Seated, standing, walking, running. Maybe arm options like driving, shooting, pointing etc. For when you need a figure nobody does and have time/skill to ‘dress’ a figure, but not model whole thing from armature/dolly. (E.g., I need various vehicle crew for various armies, but can’t find anything suitable. With something to build on, which is already most of the way there, I could jam a spare helmet on a figure and greenstuff some clothes).

Ilovesplastic - November 14, 2022

All of the suggestions are awsome I would be happy with any of those the only comment I have is try to continue making sets that are easy to kitbash the fact that I can use Wargames Atlantic parts in nearly anything (and to be honest everything) I do is hands down the best part of the models It makes things so fun to see what you can create in an instant. Just keep up the excellent work honestly you can’t really go wrong at this point. P.S. are the goblins able to ride/fit on and of the new alien bugs? (I’m dying to find out!)

Mr X - November 13, 2022

Opposite arms with katar dagger would be nice for afghans and goblins. Solo weapons and shields from frames, mirrored bodies from frames, if they makes sense. Also it would require some programming an application but it would be nice to have shields, banners or shoulder pad generator for prints with custom icons and text on them. (Ready model for shields banner and user just adds in the app a flat svg to add pattern).

Mr X - November 13, 2022

Opposite arm with katar dagger for goblins and afghans. One bigger abdomen and head for spiders to use with only larger legs. More spiked head and armor for harvesters version.

Dorrand - November 13, 2022

There are so many great skirmish games out there right now. You should make skirmish teams as trials for new alien (go seriously nonhuman) and fantasy races. Then those that do well could eventually be made into full hard plastic armies.

Joseph - November 13, 2022

I’d like to see Roman themed wolf people.

Rich - November 12, 2022

I would like to see weapons like AK-47, RPG-7 and SA-7, So I arm the Afghan Cavalry when they come out.

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