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FREE POSTAGE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD when you spend over $50USD/£35 Use the button at the bottom of the page to choose your local currency. We ship from our warehouses in the USA, UK (EU with IOSS), and Australia!


BEF Up For Pre-Order!

BEF Up For Pre-Order!

 Our first set to hurdle through the Vox Populi process and become a reality in hard plastic! Our British Expeditionary Force hard plastic set is the latest addition to our growing World War Two range: World Ablaze! And it's now available for pre-order! 

Shipping out staring April 2nd from all three of our global warehouses this is a very versatile set that will be useful for a wide variety of wargamers. The obvious, for the actual BEF that fought in France and Norway in 1939 and 1940 we have a set that allows you to outfit all figures with Lee-Enfield rifles and a variety of squad support weapons along with parts to create an officer. But we also have parts that will allow you to approximate Home Guard units. And of course you can mix and match with our WW1 British for even more options or to create a unique force for a Very British Civil War! 

The frame is just loaded with parts: 

Click here to see more photos and order your boxes!

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JTam - March 30, 2024

The combination of full battle dress with No 1 Mk III Enfields make these miniatures uniquely suited to represent Commonwealth and Polish troops in the Italian Campaign.

JTam - March 30, 2024

Looks like you can build a light mortar too? Very cool.

The mortar doesn’t appear to be mentioned on the actual product page. Might be the swinger for some purchasers.

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