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Grand Battle Scale - What's Next?!

Grand Battle Scale - What's Next?!

There's so much chatter and excitement about the new Grand Battle Scale 10mm hard plastic sets that we wanted to survey you to ask what you want to see next in this size. 

Our Samurai and Ashigaru sets are going to be released very soon, the Samurai Command set is in final design, and the Azincourt sets are being worked on (there's also a secret third range in the works right now!) But how about after those? What else would you like to see? 

Enter your choices below and leave any comments at the very bottom of the page!


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Espen - December 11, 2024

I would love to see a range covering the Great Northern War.

Cod Sticker - December 3, 2024


Adrian - November 20, 2024

100 YW; Wars of the Roses, Barons War

Stefano - September 29, 2024

Hyborian Age Armies (Conan) will be a great alternative fantasy setting.

Stefano - September 29, 2024

Hyborian Age Armies (Conan) will be a great fantasy alternative

Brian - September 3, 2024

Also, wars of the 19th century Crimean, Italian unification, Austro & Franco-Prussian, Russo-Turkish etc…Cheers, BG

Marco Salazar Matamoros - August 8, 2024

It would be interesting to see a Death Fields “mass warfare” game with a number of vehicles and large-scale options (Security Robot mecha, huge bugs, APCs, T-Rexes to complement the Cyber Raptors, maybe airplanes for air support (think “Helldivers”)) with similar options for other game lines (dragons is an obvious one).

Philip - August 7, 2024


Would love to see more Samurai options – maybe a single box with a mix of monks, ninja, laborers, and specialty troops baggage train

Ola - August 7, 2024

Would love to see ancients in plastic! Archaic Greeks especially!

But also bronze age, Ageans, Minoeans, Hittites, Assyrian, Caanites, Babylonian, Egyptian etc and post bronze age pre AD so Archaic/Classical Greek City States, Carthaginians, Roman Republic, Persians, Celts

Y. Whateley - August 4, 2024

I’ll add my vote to the suggestions for Death Fields, Iron Core, or at least sci-fi in general.

Specifically, sci-fi battlemechs, but infantry (with and without power armor) and vehicles would work brilliantly in this scale!

The Legion Forum discussion on robots and androids reminded me that Reaper’s catalog includes some plastic battlemech figures for their in-house war game, and while taking a glance over those models to see how many could be fudged as 28mm robots, and noticed that the product line included a few sci-fi infantry figures, which got me to wondering exactly what scale this stuff is in – I was reminded of the old metal Robotech minis I had painted up back in the ’80s or early ’90s which seem to be in more or less the same scale, and it seems that these battlemech minis are in roughly model railroad N-scale, which is roughly equivalent to 9mm wargaming scale and 1/144 military and civilian vehicle sale model scale.

In short, there’s room in the modeling and wargaming hobby for cross-over between N-Scale railroading, 1/144 model kits, and existing battle-mech and infantry and tank models for 9mm-10mm wargaming, given that N-Scale and 9mm wargaming are relatively loose scales, these three scales are all well within “close enough” territory to mix with 10mm Grand Battle minis, if Wargames Atlantic chooses to go there!

Wargames Atlantic hard plastic kits would provide a great, economical way to field a lot of tanks, aircraft, infantry, bunkers and pillboxes, artillery, and scenic bits in this scale, and plastic frames in this scale would certainly provide a lot of room for a lot of custom arm and head options to build distinctive battlemech designs from, and still leave room left over for other stuff.

In fact, a single box could easily supply enough frames, each containing a couple medium and/or small battlemechs, with some tanks and artillery, infantry, and such to field a pretty complete set of models right out of the box, and a few boxes could build up quite a big and diverse tabletop army! A “Set 2” with heavy battlemechs, command and support vehicles, and aircraft seems like a natural follow-up…..

Setting doesn’t matter too much to me – Iron Core might easily translate into a product like this, I imagine Death Fields might be a little tougher but could be a natural product for Wargames Atlantic to develop if there is inspiration for battlemechs to match the popular Death Fields infantry factions. I’ve suggested a “War of the Worlds” Martian tripods vs. Victorians wargame a couple times before, and this scale seems ideal for that. But, I’m also partial to an original setting using traditional anime-style factions and original mechs in the general spirit of things without being direct copies of anything in particular.

Could be I’ve just been watching too much Macross/Robotech the last couple months, but I think that Wargames Atlantic would get me on board with tabletop battlemech gaming and modeling using the economics of boxed hard plastic sets, where competing products only tempted me into buying a couple individual models from time to time!

Anyway – sci-fi in Grand Scale for me!

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