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Grand Battle Scale Orcs

Grand Battle Scale Orcs

Work has begun on the first Grand Battle Scale 10mm Classic Fantasy sets: Orcs! 

We're going to be adjusting the sculpts and narrowing down the frame inclusions but wanted to preview what was in the works. Let us know what you think in the comments below! 

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Ola - August 19, 2024

For people like me who like their strips in 3’s, 2’s and singles i would LOVE it if you make your 5 mini strips easy/easier to split apart! I can see a few of them being tricky! I didn’t have that much of a problem with the sengoku ashigaru/samurai so i know you can do it!
I base mine i 6 wide on 40×20 and 3 wide on 20×20 so i want to space them out a bit to make it look cohesive. Your competitors make strips that are almost impossible to split which makes you forced to use a certain base size… which is a shame. I get why you make them in 5’s (eventhough i would love it if it was just 3’s, 2’s an 1’s).

Anyways food for thought! Love the sculpts and very refreshing with old school orcs!

Chris G. - August 19, 2024

These look so good I’m almost mad I have an entire Mordor army already done! Of course, it could be bigger.
One thing I ask is make sure those spears and poleaxes are thicker than the ashigaru’s spears so they don’t break.
Keep up the great work!!!

Vasil - August 19, 2024

They look great!
Would be nice to have some “leader” figures like a chief and a shaman (maybe include them in a separate box with trolls and artillery).

Michael Wedding - August 19, 2024

I absolutely love this… cannot wait to see it all… will be excitedly waiting.

Devin - August 19, 2024

10mm Oathmark, here I come!

Boguslaw - August 19, 2024

Hope there will be Heros, Artillery and Monster ( dragons, wyverns etc ) boxes. And of course Elves army, high and woods please.

John M-W - August 19, 2024

They need a cave troll or maybe three? Overall looks great. Will definitely need some elf’s to fight and maybe some sort of dark overlord to lead them. 🙂

Michael Skidmore - August 19, 2024

Fantastic idea !!! Can’t wait to get my hand on these. How about a 10mm based fantasy themed box game with 2-4 armies ? And can you include casualties on the sprues or a separate box set ?

Pierre - August 19, 2024

A Tolkien-like fantasy look ! If you do men, dwarf and elfs in this style to go along : HERE I COME MIDDLE EARTH !!

Eli - August 19, 2024

Awesome looking stuff. This could be a real asset to the hobby.

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