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Heat 3: The Top 12! Voting Ends Friday at 4PM EST

Heat 3: The Top 12! Voting Ends Friday at 4PM EST

And here we are! After over 1400 submissions, tens of thousands of votes, and two Heats with a total of 10 Rounds we are down to the Top 12! (Originally we were going to do a Top 10, but with 4 Rounds in the last Heat we took the Top 3 from each)

The results follow what we know of wargaming trends in general (as depicted in the annual Great Wargaming Survey by WSS Magazine) and we've skewed heavily into sci-fi, some fantasy, and a smattering of historical (if moderns can be considered historical). 

We're excited to see what comes out on top! 12 of you have won a box of miniatures and we'll be reaching out to those winners over the next few days as we determine who was the first to submit the ideas. 

In the meantime,  get your votes in! We will leave voting open for a few days. Voting ends 4pm EST Friday May 7.


Previous article Atlantic Digital 2: Bigger and Better


Tony - May 6, 2021

No matter how voting goes people will never be 100% happy. I am just glad that WA is asking for our input instead of just putting out what they want. Obviously they can’t do every idea, even if they are all good ones. From what was listed they all seemed great, which made it hard to vote. Although, I do like some sci-fi I would have preferred historical. Still I am eager to see the final results and even better the final product!

Jeremi - May 6, 2021

Unfortunately, the results are kinda disappoinitng for me.
I was counting on more unique picks in the final 12, most of them are pretty standard/sci-fi [not a fan of sci-fi wargaming].
What would you say for split the big voting like that into differents ones in the future – one for the fans of fantasy, one for the fans of historics and one for the sci – fi fans? The results will probably grant us more diverse range.

John Paine - May 6, 2021

Very disappointing final 12. Sadly it seems like there’s just no escaping the 2000 lb. gorilla of 40k (the strong sci-fi bias here), even in other companies’ kits. Hopefully we’ll see some of those more interesting general fantasy choices eventually.

For example, they may not have done well in this format, but what D&D GM couldn’t use a whole tribe of frogmen for $35? And just like the lizardmen, no reason you couldn’t throw some sci-fi weapons on there as well to broaden the appeal. That’s what I’d really like to see. More unique kits that can cover multiple use cases just by switching the weapon selection.

Wargames Atlantic - May 6, 2021

Falk – no fears as we left out anything we were already making from the poll! People wonder why there is no Trojan War or India Mutiny or xxxxx. Also, six sets/year? Oh my friend just watch what is going to unfold over the next few months!

Don Mac Intyre - May 6, 2021
Aside from the Wild Irish, which I pre ordered and was quite excited for, there has not been anything that really struck me as “having to have”. I understand everyone has different opinions/likes and budgets, and I would never knock someone else’s choice of figures or voting for what they find interesting and would willingly plonk down cash for. I did vote for the three sets I would buy, in order of my interest. If they are made, great, I’ll buy them, if not, I will not take it as a personal affront to myself.
Sam Osborne - May 6, 2021

And the salt flows, my opinion is make what you think will sell and if i like the look of it i’ll buy it, end of.

Falk - May 6, 2021

Some of you act like they are never going to make a historical set again…

This is just a fun way to let “the people” decide. It’s not setting the course for the next decade or something big.
We get what, at least 6 sets a year? Two of them are getting decided here, iirc. Not th eend of the world.

That being said, I am sad that the Indian Mutiny didn’t even make it past heat 1 :)

zeb - May 6, 2021

Interesting, given the range of contenders in previous heats, the end seems kind of skewed, with some curious finalists. Such are the risks of open voting contests. I guess I would be most likely interested in the multi-part kits but even that depends on what kind of looks I could get out of them.

Craig Stewart - May 6, 2021

What you may be seeing is sci-fi fantasy fans piling into the survey after notifying each other and skewing the poll towards their genres. Is this wise? If you sell a lot of those kits then hey, it is a business. That said, if a few message boards sent hundreds of votes towards obscure kits then it is economic suicide.
I do not know what sells best and yes, there are many obscure historical genres but robot spiders and the like can’t possibly outsell a quality Napoleonic or WW2 set.

Justin - May 6, 2021

How did World War I Italians beat out World War II Italians? I didn’t even see them on the other lists at all.

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