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Landsknecht Ogres Preview!

Landsknecht Ogres Preview!

Final tooling is underway for the contest-winning Landsknecht Ogres! To give you a taste of what's on the way here is Andreas Heneborn's work on the fantasy versions (Matthew Leahy is doing the Death Fields versions)

We wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that charge! 

Tooling is almost finished for these and here are the layouts for the two full sprues that make up this set: 

As you can see there are lots of bits and bobs to customize them and a full set of parts to create The Vain - the Death Fields mercenary group made up of former Landsknecht soldiers who underwent genetic modifications to be bigger and stronger (without, of course, being told they would also become hideously disfigured!) 

As tooling wraps up we will be having the boxes designed for this set and it should all be coming together for release in the not too distant future! 

Previous article Introducing The Last War


Brendan Flynn - October 28, 2022

I love these guys you are just smashing it these days. I should probably just get my pay cheques sent directly to you. I have the Spacenam on preorder to use as a Goliath Necromunda gang and now these guys to use as an Ogryn gang as well.

I have no use for the halflings but the miniatures are just so nice I suspect I will have to grab a box of these after Christmas, along with more Aztecs, and horses (wish there were mounted Spaniards to go with them). You guys are my number one miniature company these days.

Brendan Flynn - October 27, 2022

I love these guys you are just smashing it these days. I should probably just get my pay cheques sent directly to you. I have the Spacenam on preorder to use as a Goliath Necromunda gang and now these guys to use as an Ogryn gang as well.

I have no use for the halflings but the miniatures are just so nice I suspect I will have to grab a box of these after Christmas, along with more Aztecs, and horses (wish there were mounted Spaniards to go with them). You guys are my number one miniature company these days.

Axel - October 15, 2022

If tooling is not done, I would propose to put all the Renaissance stuff on one sprue, perhaps minus some of the large swords, but most certainly with the barets, and all of the modern stuff on the other sprue, if possible with a fourth body that could be more modern. That way you could later add different styles in seperate half-sprues, and those just interested in the Renaissance version could get the set in a single version-sprue box.

If not, just continue. Somewhere I will find some use for the extra 18 heads per doublesprue…

emiel - October 11, 2022

I’m looking forward to seeing orges painted up for death fields

Mattias Calvignac - October 10, 2022

These look excellent! I do appreciate the dispirate array of weaponry and heads, and these will allow a wide mix of profiles and poses for the army. I do think like others about the fact that part 57 and 55 could certainly be swapped out for another body. But if thats already set in stone, then even as is this looks like a great kit that I will surely purchase alongside my conquistadors.

Mattias Calvignac - October 10, 2022

These look excellent! I do appreciate the dispirate array of weaponry and heads, and these will allow a wide mix of profiles and poses for the army. I do think like others about the fact that part 57 and 55 could certainly be swapped out for another body. But if thats already set in stone, then even as is this looks like a great kit that I will surely purchase alongside my conquistadors.

Martin - October 10, 2022

Pretty excited to get some of these beefy lads, but a little disappointed in their limited style, have the conquistador style yes but if it included some more bare or generic arms and bodies I feel they could be used in a wider array of wargames, I’m still going to get some because they suit my army in Oathmark pretty well.

Pierre - October 10, 2022

I find these “ogres” are very interesting and likeable…

…but rather than seeing a confused mix of genres (Renaissance-Viêt Nam), I would prefer to see something like an “ogres” category, declined from several angles : ancient or wild ones (Greece and Rome : cyclops, gladiators ?), partially armoured or Fantasy ones (LOTR, Sindbad, with small horns ?), medieval and Renaissance ones (germanic old tales, Grimm’s touch), modern or post-apocalyptic ones (the dregs of the Colonial Era, Hell’s Angels ?)…

With bitz and maximum compatibility, they would be very cool… unavoidable !

Axel - October 10, 2022

I would have preferred a fourth body over some of the options, but this will be a major reinforcement for my Renaissance Fantasy forces. I have the full set of Foundry Ogres, and these will be either worthy weapon brothers or opponents.

Give me a five-box deal to start with :-)

Axel - October 10, 2022

I would have preferred a fourth body over some of the options, but this will be a major reinforcement for my Renaissance Fantasy forces. I have the full set of Foundry Ogres, and these will be either worthy weapon brothers or opponents.

Give me a five-box deal to start with :-)

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