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Last Call! BEF Changes!

Last Call! BEF Changes!

Last Call! The BEF are at 93% of their goal which means they are only about 13 or so set pre-production orders before they cross the finish line! As soon as they do they won't be available again at that price! 

Painting by Chris Hindmarsh

To that end, we want to start prepping for tooling. We've been asked to make a change to the pouches as the clasp is a little more appropriate for later in the war. We're going to switch from buckles to snaps like this: 

We've let our Boyes anti-tank gunner be a lefty like this actual fellow here: 

If that is going to cause all the pearl-clutchers to be unable to function in normal society, we can swap the arms. Let us know below. 

Otherwise, have a look at the parts posted on their page here and if there is anything a majority of the community wants changed we can have a look. We've designed the set to be usable as BEF but also useful as Home Guard for those who would like to use it as such. 

Previous article Grand Battle Scale - What's Next?!


Oliver - November 26, 2023

Responding to an earlier comment about Bayonets; I prefer the bayonets being on some of the rifles and not all because given how many sets of rifles are likely in the box you should be able to make a whole squad with them or without them. Putting the bayonets on every single rifle in the kit means you would have to convert them by removing them carefully or not adding them to the rifles means adding a tiny knife yourself which could be difficult for someone inexperienced and means the bayonets would need to take up valuable sprue space.

Niko - November 25, 2023

One nitpick for me is that the rear sight housing for the P14 is a prominent feature of that rifle’s silhouette, and that does not look like it’s captured in the sculp. Without it, it’s hard to distinguish the rifle in this set from any number of Mauser variants. Making the sculpt capture the way the rear sight housing rises fairly notably off the receiver would make the P14 sculp feel a lot more authentic.

Niko - November 25, 2023

One nitpick for me is that the rear sight housing for the P14 is a prominent feature of that rifle’s silhouette, and that does not look like it’s captured in the sculp. Without it, it’s hard to distinguish the rifle in this set from any number of Mauser variants. Making the sculpt capture the way the rear sight housing rises fairly notably off the receiver would make the P14 sculp feel a lot more authentic.

Niko - November 25, 2023

One nitpick for me is that the rear sight housing for the P14 is a prominent feature of that rifle’s silhouette, and that does not look like it’s captured in the sculp. Without it, it’s hard to distinguish the rifle in this set from any number of Mauser variants. Making the sculpt capture the way the rear sight housing rises fairly notably off the receiver would make the P14 sculp feel a lot more authentic.

Paul Gaskin - November 24, 2023

Using grip shown in photo looks more comfortable given the sights are on left side due to the central magazine.

Vidar - November 24, 2023

I’m also voting for the right handed Boys gunner.

One addition that would be awesome would be a spare Bren magazine! That way you could, using a couple of sprues, stack up a few next to the gunner, or with a bit of conversion have a loader handing the gunner another magazine, and would be a great addition to a lot of other models (who wouldn’t want a few on the floor of their carrier?!).

I’m not a fan of bayonets on wargaming models, it’s a personal preference and I’m pretty sure there are people with different opinions, but I’d rather have bayonets on ALL rifler than on SOME rifles. Historically the all rifles in the squad (or more realistically the whole company) would either have their bayonets mounted or not. So if you ask me, no bayonets on the rifles but maybe an option to glue then on (an option would be to sculpt the bayonet and front end of the barrel together, so that in order to convert a model without mounted bayonet you cut off the last part of the barrel from the rifle and the bayonet handle from the scabbard, and then glue the bayonet/barrel combination to the rifle. Or just no bayonets mounted😬

Sean Tighe - November 24, 2023

Yay? You are sorting those incorrect for any period buckles and switching to the correct for any period snaps.
I will order a box now.

Sam Robertson - November 24, 2023

Will there be an arm aiming a pistol? Or just an arm holding one? I’d love to make an officer aiming his revolver from this kit.

Matt - November 23, 2023

Nice to see these guys almost reach the goal!

I would prefer the Boys rifle being used right-handed, but if it stays as it is I’ll clutch my pearls and make do.

The only other nit I have to pick is the bayoneted Lee-Enfields: the blades look a little short to me (though this might well be a concession to model durability, in which case fair enough!) and the rings look like they’re hooking over the barrel (which shouldn’t even protrude) as opposed to the nub on the bottom of the nosecap. The rifles without bayonets all look great, for the record, and even if the bayonets stay as per the photos I’ll manage, but I figured while you were asking for your rivets counted I’d make my voice heard.

Anyway, excited to see this kit become reality, and I’ll be hanging on for further news of them!

Steven Clark - November 23, 2023

I will order 5 Boxes on Friday (Tomorrow) – I get paid today and need the money to clear

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