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FREE POSTAGE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD when you spend over $50USD/£35 Use the button at the top of the page to choose your local currency. We ship from our warehouses in the USA, UK (EU with IOSS), and Australia!
FREE POSTAGE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD when you spend over $50USD/£35 Use the button at the bottom of the page to choose your local currency. We ship from our warehouses in the USA, UK (EU with IOSS), and Australia!


Making a Pledge and Changing Pledges Tutorial

Making a Pledge and Changing Pledges Tutorial

We wanted to make it easier for people to not only back The Damned on Gamefound, but also to change their reward levels as we go along and new boxes are unlocked. Here's a (hopefully) easy primer on what to do!

First, assume you've already decided on the 3-box reward and clicked through from the image on the homepage to here: 

Second, we've picked our first box, now we're clicking the symbol to the right of that to add the next box...

That round green button ads the spot to pick your next box: 

If you want a 3rd box that's different you can do that again. On 5, 10, 15 box deals you will have to make more choices. Once you've confirmed your choices you submit your pledge and end up on this screen: 

That's all it takes! You can also add-on individual boxes (say if you want a couple boxes of the bases or an extra infantry set) but this is the basic method for pledging. 

Now, let's say you've seen some more sets unlock and you want to move up to a 5-box pledge instead of a 3-box one. Start on the homepage under your backer # and click on "add more items to your pledge" or go to the "My Projects" page and click on "view your pledge" 


Click on ADD MORE ITEMS, go to the 5-box deal and click "ADD TO PLEDGE". At that point you'll do the same thing where you pick which 5 boxes you want. Click "CONFIRM" then click "SUBMIT PLEDGE". 

You'll see in the cart that you now have both the 3-box and the 5-box. Just delete the 3-box and voila you are upgraded: 

You can change your reward level around as many times as you want but whatever it is on June 22nd will be the minimum level. Once the campaign ends you'll be able to add or change which boxes you get - it's incredibly flexible. 

Also don't worry about losing any of the follower or first day rewards - you're locked in on those!

Please leave a Comment on the Gamefound campaign page if anything is unclear and we'll do our best to help you out! Thanks again for backing our first crowdfund campaign! 

Keep in mind shipping is FREE worldwide for all orders over $50. Yes, anywhere in the world! Every reward level: 3-box, 5-box, 10-box, 15-box comes with unlocked free "stuff" (mostly free sprues of figures!) so check out the main page of the campaign to see all the other things you'll be getting on top of your chosen pledge level! 


Previous article A Big Damned Update!


Dugthefug1644 - June 5, 2023

I also am getting timed out whenever I try to visit The Damned project. I am marked up as backer no.204, but couldn’t work out how to chose the initial boxes I wanted until I read the above. If you can help with getting into my pledge that would be cool.
I have tried my mobile and a PC. Tried logged in on Wi-Fi and on mobile data and they all get the 500 – Request timed out message.

Justin - June 5, 2023

Campaign page keeps timing out for me too. It’s been like that since sometime Friday evening. Every other Gamefound campaign page loads just fine except for this one. If this is a widespread issue, it’s gotta be really hurting you guys.

Scott H - June 5, 2023

Yes, I’m having the same issue.

Even trying to access it from Gamefound just spins the wheels.

Justin - June 5, 2023

Keeps timing out for me too. Tried it on multiple browsers and on mobile. The rest of Gamefound works just fine. It’s only The Damned campaign I can’t look at at all and it’s been like this for over 24 hours now.

Seo - June 2, 2023

Huh, the Gamfound campaign page link just keeps timing out for me.

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