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New Set Announcement: British Infantry (1916-1918)

New Set Announcement: British Infantry (1916-1918)

We can present the first batch of sculpts for the next set in our Great War range: British Infantry (1916-1918)! 

(open image in a new tab for a close up)

This is where we are in the sculpting process. We have some more arms and another body pose to do.

These could also be useful for the pre-war period, the interwar period (VBCW anyone?), and with a bit of squinting even into WW2! (Although probably better left to our World Ablaze range!)

Let us know what you think of them below and we will continue to move them along! Which WW1 set should we tackle next? Post your thoughts and maybe we can have a poll on it.

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Randy - March 6, 2023

Can’t wait! It’s been a long time coming, but these dudes look great!

Fredrik Löfqvist - January 15, 2023

Looks absolutely fantastic. I especially like the heads with the gas masks.

Red - September 23, 2022

Wolseley pith helmets for this kit would open up some different options. WWI Middle East, Third Anglo-Afgan War, Northwest Frontier, etc

Anonymous - August 29, 2022

Possibly a bit too many different heads. They are nice, but take up a lot of sprue space. As do some of the things I find questionable- are these wargame figures, or for dioramas? I worry that by trying to be all things to all people, you’re missing the main mark. Possibly consider a second set of sprues with the heavily desired vickers, but you can add in all the oddball heads and dixies, and such. Most people would probably be quite happy with just steel helmets. That and service caps will be probably 97% of what people build. I’d rather have another body

Dave Saddington - June 20, 2022

Cracking figures, any chance of late war Russians next? Could be used for not only theGreat War but with the right heads the revolution, the Russian civil war and Russian polish war

Jason - May 24, 2022

They look great! Definitely getting them when they’re released.

Looking forward to US Infantry next.

MARK SAWYER - May 3, 2022

Looking forward immensely to these figs perfect for VBCW.

A. Leahy - January 16, 2022

With the British in progress the Americans should be next (Your existing French sprue + an AEF sprue would be perfect for making Harlem Hellfighters!). After the Brits and Yanks are done, I’d do an HMG/support sprue for each nation, with some specialist weapons on it:

British Support – Vickers & crew, trench catapult, rifle grenades & scopes
French Support – Hotchkiss & crew, 37mm M1916, rifle grenades & scopes
American Support – Browning & crew, shotgun, rifle grenades & scopes
German Support – Maxim MG 08 & crew, flame thrower, rifle grenades & scopes

From there, I’d move to a new theater, probably go hang with Lawerence/Arabs in the desert, add a cavalry sprue for all nations, and of course build out the Ottomans.

Joe Dobson - January 12, 2022

Definitely heavy weapons for the 3 sets already released, and please please please include rifle grenade launcher arms in them to retrofit some guys!!! They were a huge part of the war! Then maybe some sort of field gun set that includes the weird little guns too. I would guess that the most economical way to do that would be a box with 3 gun and crew sprues, one of each belligerent. Inefficient to buy but if it gets them released it’s a trade I’m willing to bear and odds are you’re collecting 2 forces. Then the same treatment for Russians and Austro Hungarians, then either tanks or cavalry!

Mike Germain - December 7, 2021

ANZAC heads in this set would be excellent, looking forward to the releases.

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