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Painting Panzer Lehr

Painting Panzer Lehr

Matthew Leahy has been busy painting up the new Panzer Lehr set and we've shown a couple pics on Facebook this week. Here they are with some bonus ones.

(No release date yet but they are next in line after the current runs of Eisenkern Panzerjagers, Late Roman Legionaires (1), WW1/2 French, Goblins, and Death Fields Cannon Fodder)






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JTam - May 29, 2021

Great kit. Thank You for filling this gap in WW2 miniatures.

Would love to see the MG gunner firing off his buddies shoulder pose done if you ever do more Germans.

For other WW2 sets a prone body would be nice. Really makes the machineguns standout.

Have high hopes a plastic WW2 Italian set is in the works. The cool thing is the uniform for Italians in the desert or the Eastern Front is near identical. Don’t forget the Bersaglieri heads ;)
Then to be completely awesome do some WW2 Italian cavalry while you are at it.
Then put both sprues in a bigger all in one “Army” box.

Straha - May 29, 2021

All your current ranges plus incoming Late Roman Legionnaires, WW1/2 French, and Panzer Lehr. I should buy stock in the company just to get a little bit of my money.

William M Lotz - May 28, 2021

And the French WW1 forces? Will pick up your new Germans asap!

Carlos - May 28, 2021

Great job and really cool minis!, are you going to release other underrepresented factions of WW2 by other manufacturers? Say Japanese infantry, maybe in those the market is “less saturated”.

FrankR - May 27, 2021

Great work guys… I like the paint job too.
One box will go to me with a couple of Panzerjäger…

Anonymous - May 27, 2021

Truly love the paint job.

Even tho WW2 is not on my radar right now.

I will pick up a couple of boxes of these.

I already own a lot of Panzer Lehr for Flames of War. It would be nice to see them in 28mm too.

Tho. I am truly waiting for the long awaited Shadowkesh and my own wishlist kit

Crimean War British Grenadier Guards.

Keep up the great work guys.

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