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Plastic Previews and New Releases

Plastic Previews and New Releases

Atlantic Digital has been pumping out set after set, month after month on our MyMiniFactory Tribes and store. Each month we make a file set for each of 11 different ranges: Classic Fantasy, Death Fields, General Accoutrements, and 8 historical ranges. And with the basic membership at $12 a month, it's basically $1 per set! 

Here are a few of the ones that we've released recently: 


The plastic engine continues to hum along as well with this one on the way next! More news soon! 

Previous article Bases Galore!


Gary Hughs - May 9, 2023

Interesting, I hope there may be hmg or trench mortar or artillery (and crew) to follow. Do the heads include the naval infantry units or Indian army units that served on the Western Front?

Hoping that Palestine/Gallipoli might get something further down the line, Anzacs, Arabs and Turks?

Chris - April 29, 2023

Those ww1 British look good. They will have a lot of use in other periods as the 1908 webbing lasted into ww2.

How about sets of ww2 gunners? For example a set of generic ww2 German artillery crewmen with 6 bodies on a sprue, 3 kneeling and 3 standing pairs of legs with separate torsos to allow variation. No guns, just the crew . Any spare space on the sprue could be filled with extras, eg boxes, discarded personal kit and weapons.

Sharpy - April 29, 2023

Would love to see Australian heads for the European theatre to 3D print to add these brits here

Francesco - April 29, 2023

I agree with Ralph, there Is a surprisingly scarce choice when It comes to a generic scifi power/exoskeleton armor in 28mm minis, excluding ‘grim dark’ genre.

Pretty sure such a set would be a best seller.

Maschinen Krieger could be a nice inspiration…

Y. Whateley - April 29, 2023

@Paul Davies – “Regarding the WW1 British infantry, will there be enough gas mask heads to equip all the figures in the set with them?” There’s a November 2022 article on this site, “WW1 British Complete Tooling!”, which includes a prototype(?) of the finished sprue, it looks like there are five bodies on each sprue, and something like 29-30 heads with a variety of hats/helmets, including five gas mask heads: I’d say it looks like your answer will be “Yes!” :) It’s a great-looking set!

Bob - April 28, 2023


Terry Malone - April 28, 2023

Can’t wait for the ww1 British to be released

Robert O'Brien - April 28, 2023

I wonder if the Custer figure means we may see some wild west ranges. A plastic cavalry set and Sioux set would be a fantastic addition to a brilliantly conceived range of miniatures. Also will we see any more Reptilian Overlords sets soon ?

Robert O'Brien - April 28, 2023

I wonder if the Custer figure means we may see some wild west ranges. A plastic cavalry set and Sioux set would be a fantastic addition to a brilliantly conceived range of miniatures. Also will we see any more Reptilian Overlords sets soon ?

Paul Davies - April 28, 2023

Regarding the WW1 British infantry, will there be enough gas mask heads to equip all the figures in the set with them?

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