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Pulp Adventure Range Gets a Home

Pulp Adventure Range Gets a Home

The launch of the Zombies necessitated a new collection page - so here we go! The Pulp Adventure range is now up and running. 

This is going to be an occasional range of pulpy goodness. We're not even sure what will be coming next. Let us know what you'd like to see in the comments below!


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James - December 7, 2024

South Asian villagers, cultists, bearers, guides.

Y. Whateley - December 7, 2024

I’m glad to see this range added to WA’s catalogue, it’s my favorite subject! :)

I really, really hope that WA finds a way to do a horror-themed Pulp or Classic Fantasy set every October for Halloween, in the tradition of the zombies – the zombies really put a smile on my face this October, and the werewolves look great, too. Vampires and mummies come to mind, but there’s surely lots of horror subjects that would lend themselves nicely to hard plastic sets.

I love all the suggestions made in the other comments.

The fedora-and-raincoat guys are probably the most broadly useful in large numbers, though. I’m sure I mentioned a couple times that I’d be all for a generic fedora guys suitable for gangsters, FBI guys, men-in-black, cultists, hardboiled detectives, Cthulhu investigators, henchmen, and general man-on-the-street types. They’d make fine zombie survivors, too. The Partisans/French Resistance set is so versatile and useful, I don’t see any reason not to just do more of the same, pulp-style, if the market for it is there. Sounds like I’m not the only one who would be interested in this!

After that, there’s all sorts of things that can be done with retro sci-fi alone – I love the old space patrol team in fishbowl helmets thing… those great old Art Deco retro robots always get me grinning… and there’s no end to the aliens that might be possible. The Martians, Venusians, etc…. And of course it would all cross over just nicely with Death Fields! (For that matter, a great deal of the John Carter/Barsoom material would cross over easily into Classic Fantasy!)

I can’t help noticing that there has been some brilliant stuff in Digital Atlantic that fits this range – I’m a huge fan of the Victorian police, the Cthulhu Cultists, the WWI Field Hospital, the Priests and Monks, German treasure hunters, donkeys and camels, Thuggee Assassins, Neanderthals, Female French Resistance, alien heads, and I’m sure there’s lots more. Many of these sets are maybe better suited for just Digital, but I’d love to see some variation on the field hospital in hard plastic (an Arkham Asylum set of sinister orderlies and mad doctors, perhaps?), the pack camels and donkeys would make fine plastic sets, the combat priests/exorcists/vampire-hunters would be a brilliant plastic set, and so would the Neanderthals and female resistance. (In fact, the pulp line would make a fine home for a lot of the female sets, which would look a bit more dubious in historical settings…..)

Someone below mentioned that hard plastic sets might not be very appropriate for hero and villain characters like The Shadow, Doc Savage, and so on, but a pulp category in Atlantic Digital would be great for that sort of thing… there might be copyright issues even for the public-domain characters of this sort, but Wargames Atlantic’s artists and sculptors might have fun creating some original characters of this sort, and I think they’d surely be great.

The gunslinger sets being made by a competing company are fine stuff, and I have a couple boxes of them stashed away for rainy days of pulp western fun, but the competitor’s hard plastic gunslingers aren’t perfect, and the more the merrier when it comes to variety here. So, WA Pulp gunslingers!

YMMV but I don’t mind pushing the edges of the “Pulp Era” up to low-budget ’70s and ’80s sci-fi including post-apocalyptic and cyberpunk subjects like Bladerunner and Mad Max – savage wastelander gangs, killer cyborgs, toxic/radioactive mutants, Red Dawn resistance fighters (“Wolverines!!!!”), and so on fit the “Pulp” category broadly, I think, and would make some fun sets to work with. (So, ’50s saucer men, pod people, and other Cold War “B-Movie” sci-fi subjects would, I say, be fair game for a “Pulp” label….)

Anyway, these sets seem to me like they’re evergreen, and I for one would be willing to buy multiple boxes of each:
- fedora-and-raincoat gangsters/g-men/men-in-black
- gunslingers
- Mad Max style wastelanders (I think I’d use them in fantasy games, too….)
- priests/exorcists/vampire-hunters
- Martians, Venusians, and other aliens (tentacles and bug-eyes recommended)
- Space Patrol/Star Fleet space cadets
- apocalypse survivors/scavengers/militias
- horror mook monsters (vampires, mummies, gargoyles, fish-men, tentacle monsters….)

Will Corlett - December 7, 2024

Echo the call for retro sci fi, something not many other manufacturers make. A Flash Gordon/Space Ranger set would be an automatic but for me.

Alejandra - December 7, 2024

Forgot to mention firefighters and retro sci-fi space suits, with the ridiculous fishbowl-looking helmets.

Paul Mitting - December 7, 2024

I would love some plastic Retro Sci-Fi – Space Rangers of both genders in spacesuits with ray guns and rocket packs, ready to defend Earth from those dastardly aliens!

David LeppinK - December 7, 2024

1930/40s could pass for 50? civilians, some with guns and some not. could be mobsters, cult investigators, civilians, Plenty of arms that can switch out with other kits to make unarmed military. generic men and women sets. police, cult set, with masked heads that can be used on with other kits also.

Matthias Funk - December 7, 2024

Pulp. What an undertaking. – Dr. Fu Manchu, Rocketeers, Ape-men, Lovecraftian Horrors, Mad scientists, lost world. Don’t get lost in the topic. I’m very interested.

Matthias - December 6, 2024

Has to be Lovecraftian.

Nanashi - December 6, 2024

Post-apoc “survivors” (leather jackets, dusters) and “raiders” (mohawks and bald, scrap armor or shirtless) both with an assortment of guns,

Timothy - December 6, 2024

Just a reminder to the wishful thinkers out there – They’ll likely be sets with 5-8 bodies per sprue, and multiple sprues. The more bodies, the fewer arms and heads. And there won’t be Doc Savage, or the Phantom, or Tintin, but generic mooks. If you want individual characters, you’ll have to source them elsewhere.

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