Results from the Driver's Seat Contest!
Last week we let you take the wheel for upcoming releases and thousands of you jumped straight in! Now we can share the results!
For September Release: Death Fields Ooh Rah! They squeaked past the Grognard Raptor Cavalry and the Iron-Core Valkir were in 3rd.
For October Release: Classic Fantasy Landsknecht Ogres! Kobolds and Trolls were neck and neck in 2nd and 3rd.
For November Release: Modern "Operators" just barely beat out the WW1 British. New entree 1930s Gangsters and G-Men and Conquistador Cavalry were close behind.
We've awarded free sets to three of the participants who left their emails. Just waiting to hear back from them now. If you weren't one of the lucky ones, just wait and more contests will be on the way. In the meantime for more chances to win, join up at our forum here!
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