I selected: Bundeswehr, Foreign Legion, PLA, Latin American Militia, ME Insurgents, Near Future Infantry, Mule Robots, AI Robot Infantry, as well as Lizard Alien Invaders, Alien “Bug” Invaders, Alien “Other” Invaders.
I’ll definitely buy 2-3 standard boxes (24-32 minis) of any Bundeswehr/German Army set. If there are command/support weapon boxes, 1-2 of those too. But I only planned to buy one box of WW1 Germans and now have 4 and need at least one more. :-D
Might buy 1 box of FFL, just like I bought one box of WW1/2 French, and a box each of the PLA, Latin Militia and ME Insurgents. Enough for a skirmish sized squad. Near Future Infantry, Mule Robots and AI Robot Infantry will depend on the design. If they match with a Near Future Bundeswehr/EU Army or my Eisenkern (which has mules) I might buy 1-3 sets of each.
Regarding Lizard Alien Invaders, Alien “Bug” Invaders and any other Alien Invaders, well, I love myself some aliens. Bought two of the existing Lizard box with the purpose of converting one into sci-fi auxiliaries. Bought a box of Ghost Archipelago Snakemen for the same reason. So, depending on how cool they are 1-3 boxes of each set potentially.
Especially “bug” / insectoid Aliens have the potential for a whole army line, if you take Starship Troopers as inspiration. Although decent upright/humanoid-like insectoids would be great and it would be great if any alien bugs weren’t just large Earth-like insects, as is sort of the case with Starship Troopers. I mean I can’t see them controlling a spaceship.
I would replace the word “lizard” in Lizard Aliens with reptile and not simply make a futuristic set of the existing Lizards. By all means, make head-swaps compatible, but I’d go more in the direction of the “V” reptilians or the Drac from “Enemy Mine”. Humanoid reptilians basically such as the Cardassians, Gorn, Tosk or Hirogen from Star Trek, Krill (Orville), you get the picture. Personally, I think you could easily do 2 sets of reptilian aliens, but I’m very biased. :-)
As for other Alien Invaders, my first thought was a squid/octopus/cephalopod species. Octopuses are after all quite smart and it would give you none-humanoid aliens. No need to go for 8 limbs, 4-6 should do. There’s enough inspiration out there for both humanoid-aliens and non-humanoid, alien-looking aliens. From Star Trek, Star Wars, Halo, Starcraft, Babylon 5, Independence Day, Andromeda, Avatar, Critters ;-), Falling Skies, Farscape, Orville, etc etc. Yes, yes, I know, IP/copyright. The key word is inspiration, see what they did with the Stargarve sets. Let me put it this way, if you do an alien heads sprue where one looks similar to a Klingon, humanoid with ridged forehead, and someone sticks that onto a Viking, Goth or heavy metal style biker gang or cyberpunk body, I doubt someone is going to give you grief.
I don’t know if some kind of avian or fish alien would work. Taking inspiration from the Lizard-Men set, you might want to consider comparable sets of Feline, Canine, Frog or Rat-Men. Space Monkeys/Apes might be an interesting set.
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