It honestly would be nice to see some Ottoman minis. Considering the effect they had on the world, it’s surprising to see them ignored by plastic minis makers.
Chris GIlmore - August 1, 2020
I love your miniatures and I love that you put so many head options in your kits. I like your kits are compatible with other manufacturers so I can use the spare heads for other projects. Great products. Keep up the good work and I can’t wait to see what sets are next
Sydney - August 1, 2020
Now this is what I like to see! Reaching out to the community and seeing what they want. I don’t care if my number 1 pick is chosen I’m just happy that somebody’s niche is being filled by some of the best priced plastic minis out there.
Stephan Sporrer - July 29, 2020
I’d hope for a Prussian 28mm Plastic Army…
Frank Ruiter - July 21, 2020
All plastic cavalry are in dynamic poses, which is great. But I also would like cavalry in a waiting pose (regardless of the time period) as if they where waiting to go into battle. You can see whole lines of them in pictures. I understand that it would not be business sense to make complete boxes of that, but a small box with limited number should be profitable for a maker, as the mould can be easy with one basic figure and the rest heads/arms/weapons. Up to now it’s only available in metal.
Bailey - July 20, 2020
I’ve been told India has quite a military history but I only ever see Indians miniatures in the context of fighting Europeans. What about the wars not involving them? Where is Babur or Ashoka?
patrick - July 20, 2020
@Pete Rixon Warlord Games often has a box set that includes both sides of a conflict (WW2 for Bolt Action). They are quite popular for many reasons. I like that you can give one side to a friend to get them started and keep one for yourself. Then you both can grow your armies together.
David Bardy - July 20, 2020
I like the 5/10 a side idea!
Mark Bevis - July 20, 2020
Many thanks for taking the effort to put polls on the website for those of us that don’t use Facebook!
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