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Bug Naming Finalists - Vote Now!

Bug Naming Finalists - Vote Now!

We're down to the Final 5! Almost 400 submissions were entered in the contest and we've gone through each and every one of them. Some were very funny, some were incredibly comprehensive, some would probably get us sued, but these are the five we liked the most. Now YOU decide! 

Use these links to read each submission and then come back here to vote on your favorite: 

Bugs of many names






Previous article Grand Battle Scale Samurai and Ashigaru Take the Field!


Josj - September 16, 2022

Any word on the results?

Chegg - September 5, 2022

Why not two names for a species AND caste?

Krixor Harvesters!

Tom Halpin - September 5, 2022

“Bugs Of Many Names” as others are just don’t do it….

Pete - September 2, 2022

Harvesters all the way for me. Classic name for classic bugs.

John Eveson - August 30, 2022

Im going for Harvesters, Although a few of us on Bolter and Chainsword have started calling them Tyranots for the time being.

J - August 28, 2022

Love the idea of leaving it up to oneself – Bugs of many names for me.
I think it fits the Wargame Atlantic style, suitable for many many things, a haven for model agnostic games and customization addcits.

TAP_M113 - August 27, 2022

I read all entries, and the best name & short-lore would be “Cancrids”
The best lore would , however, to result from combining several entries.

The “Cancrids” provide short, succint box-art-like text, but “Bugs of Many names” gifts a sense of mystery and the galaxy’s perception of them, while “Kryk” gives them “hidden truths” about their biology and internal politics to make them relatable characters.

KA - August 27, 2022

Simple, clear, but intimidating- Harvesters for me

Tom Gillingham - August 27, 2022

I love these miniatures you’re making a harkens back to the old days of GW where it was more important to have models that look the part rather than highly detailed sculpts that are more like works of art

Tom Gillingham - August 27, 2022

I love these miniatures you’re making a harkens back to the old days of GW where it was more important to have models that look the part rather than highly detailed sculpts that are more like works of art

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