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FREE POSTAGE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD when you spend over $50USD/£35 Use the button at the bottom of the page to choose your local currency. We ship from our warehouses in the USA, UK (EU with IOSS), and Australia!


Conquistador Cavalry Update!

Conquistador Cavalry Update!

As soon as the Conquistador Cavalry set met it's $6000 goal in Vox Populi we started to do the final refinements, part additions, and organization of the files to get it ready for a final layout. 

Many of you called to add pistol arms and more full helms to the set. Rob has given some options for both matchlock and wheel-lock pistols here. Let us know what you think of these options. 

Not all the parts we've shown will fit but we are going to work (like we always do!) to give you a huge number of options and variety in the set. 

Any parts that don't make it into the final plastic set will be available as digital add-ons once the set is released. Let us know your thoughts below! 



Previous article Introducing Grand Battle Scale!


Brian Pickett - August 4, 2024

I love your Conquistadors and look forward to eventually getting box loads of your new conquistador cavalry. But the lack of a Gunpowder Flask on the foot figures was a real let down. So any chance of some separate Gun Powder flasks on a sprue in the future to correct the error???. Kind regards Brian

Anonymous - March 15, 2024

Nice! I was already looking at this set for Anglo-Scots border reivers, you just made that more attractive with the pistols. Any chance of a complimentary set of light horse, with quilted doublets and a lot less armour?

Nick - March 14, 2024

Shame to see the barding go, would of been nice to keep that option, but if its avaible as an STL than not a huge biggy. I like the addition of pistols though maybe having some less armoured options and some left hand options for the pistols would be nice for obvious Pistoliers reasons. Looking great overall though.

Bill Redford - March 11, 2024

I hope you keep both doggos and all 4 wheellock pistols. I would be ok with the matchlock not making it on the sprue. I would echo what others have said and ask for some left-handed pistols in addition to the right-handed ones.

Mario - March 10, 2024

Maybe like 1 or 2 pistols per sprue, keep the dogs for sure and the closed helmets pls

Nick - March 10, 2024

I was already loving the previews for the cavalry; but with pistols, dogs, and enclosed helmets it becomes a must buy to go with the infantry. In looking forward to seeing how it develops further!

John Cintron - March 10, 2024

I love the ingenuity of Wargames Atlantic. I simply ask that you don’t drop the Hounds from the kit.
Thank you

Cody - March 9, 2024

The pistols are super needed, i know ive tried to find them as bit or 3d printed file nothing quite does the trick. You could do alot with this kit by including closed armored helmets and pistols.

Tudes - March 9, 2024

Adding the pistols and visors pushes this from a conquistador set to so much more… There’s a tonne of thirsty Empire players for ToW who can’t get their hands on the riders they want or would prefer this aesthetic. I don’t think that adding the pistols as STLs would be as effective. Anyone who doesn’t have a 12k resin printer will have to get them done externally. At that point they’d probably just get dedicated riding pistoleer models printed as STLs instead.

Simon - March 9, 2024

Wonderful to see the pistols. Wheelock please if space is ltd. Not concerned about full helms for my border reivers but guess fantasy users would love some. Still hoping hound might make the cut Thank you for response

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