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Fantasy Knights?

Fantasy Knights?

One of our talented sculptors was playing around with our soon-to-be-in-plastic horse bodies and created an armored version. It got us thinking about knights and cavalry for our Classic Fantasy range. 

Would you be interested in a set like this? What should the riders look like? Let us know your thoughts below! (comments may not appear immediately because they have to be approved - you wouldn't believe the amount of spam posts we get!)



Krzysztof S Gebhardt - June 18, 2021

For what it’s worth, I find some of the historical horse armour of the Renaissance more fantastical than what you have here and there seems to be much competition out there already, even in plastic (such as the Perry Miniatures Mounted Men-at-arms WR40). It would take a lot more to tempt me, therefore.

I would succumb immediately to temptation of Polish WW2 cavalry if well done (or Polish WW2 anything for that matter), but that’s another matter of course and I only mention it because someone already has!.

Jon Glass - June 18, 2021

I love the look of these and fantasy Knights would be fantastic. Heavy armour on horses and full plate knights, lots of lances and over-the-top great helms, with a few open helmets or open visors.
I would also love to see WWI/II cavalry. WWI gas masked horses could easily be used for Sci Fi/Deathfields games with suitable riders. A basic horse with alternative saddles, heads or other accoutrements would be ace.

Steve Williams - June 18, 2021

Definitely a ‘yes’ from me.

Paul - June 18, 2021

I would love some Grognard Cavalry !

Nick - June 18, 2021

Oh hell yes! Especially useful if paired with fantastical helms/heads—“good” knights, “evil” knights, elves, hobgoblins, vampire knights, flaming skulls, helmeted skulls, tiefling heads, etc. If you had the space to be really fancy you could use different pauldrons, lance heads, or other weapons to further distinguish cultures/factions. If you wanted to get really crazy you could do a matching foot knight box with more interchangeable bits for really customized troops/RPG figures. The sculpt looks great, looking forward to more!

John Cintron - June 18, 2021

Really like the armored horse. What’s a Fantasy realm without Knights, right? Although a bit more complicated, I would really like for some Winged Hussars to be included in the Wargames Atlantic range. They could be used in Fantasy, Sci-fi or Historical. They are definitely eye catching. You could even strap them on a Bear mount, point them on the desired direction and yell CHARGE! Thank you, you guys are great.

Alex - June 18, 2021

Bonjour vous pourriez ajouté des cavaliers en armures de plates et avec des heaumes à motifs d’animaux

John - June 18, 2021

Would be very interested in a Conquistador cavalry kit.

El Camino Piranha - June 18, 2021

Looks good- so close to historical gothic renaissance.
Might as well make historical gothic barded horses as well. And make some Milanese barding options. Oh yea and make the horse spruces available separately. Your only competition for these as historical plastic barded horses are Perry Minis.

I would prefer the historical to fantasy, but maybe the market isn’t there for plastic Renaissance gendarmes. Wait! What the world needs is plastic pistoleers. Reiters. Plastic historical reiters. Make this happen!!
David - June 18, 2021

Gens d’Armes from the Italian Wars period immediately springs to mind. Fine looking horses by the way.

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