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New Set Announcement: Cannon Fodder 2!

New Set Announcement: Cannon Fodder 2!

Following hot on the heels of the first Cannon Fodder set is an all-female version! 

Cannon Fodder 2 features six new female bodies and a wide variety of heads and arms including new bare heads. We've added some new weapons and poses as well.

All the arms in this set can also be used with the existing Cannon Fodder set to add even more variety to your army.

These are in final design check and about to go to file prep. No release date yet but not too far away! 

Here are some of the poses that can be built: 

Clearly a former Russian team member using the left-hand cocking technique!


We will work hard to get these to you as fast as possible!

Previous article Introducing Grand Battle Scale!


Y. Whateley - November 27, 2021

Mat Huxley – November 15, 2021 “Brilliant stuff 👍 Any chance some of the fully enclosed helmets from the male kit might be available separately to pair up with the women? Also, loving the blasters”

Agreed! I notice that the male Cannon Fodder set includes six of these helmets for every five figures, so we’re going to have a few left over from every box of male Cannon Fodder even if we give all of the guys fully-enclosed helmets, but including some extras in a future accessory sprue would be welcome (maybe include a few extra blasters, and some alternative helmets – like retro “fish-bowl” style space helmets – on that hypothetical sprue, along with some scanners, communicators, and retro rayguns?)

I think the Cannon Fodder may rival the Halfling Militia as my favorite Wargames Atlantic set! :)

Mat Huxley - November 15, 2021

Brilliant stuff 👍 Any chance some of the fully enclosed helmets from the male kit might be available separately to pair up with the women? Also, loving the blasters

Y. Whateley - November 10, 2021

Re: Zippers:

At first, I wasn’t sure about the zippers when I first saw them on the first Cannon Fodder set, but I kinda like them now. Partly a concession to the 28mm Heroic scale, I’m sure, but hey – those heavy-duty, industrial zippers are exactly the sort of thing you’d want on your mysterous alien MegaCorp-issued jumpsuits to keep everything together in the rugged conditions of Death Fields.

Seriously, have you ever experienced a total wardrobe failure in front of a multi-dimensional sports TV audience of vigintillions while in mortal combat on an alien planet, due to the mechanical failure of delicate little froo-froo zippers? Well, trust me, you don’t want to! It’s dangerous, it’s deadly, and worse, it’s embarrassing!

Heavy-duty space-zippers are here to save your bacon.

Brought to you by Secure-Lok space-zipper Megacorp. “Keep it together, team!”

Y. Whateley - November 10, 2021

Magnus Johansson – November 6, 2021 “Given the strong demand (and no real ranges) for heroic scale sci-fi civilians (read collateral damage) for games such as Necromunda, Kill Team, Stargrave, etc. – and roleplaying – I really hope you will do ”civilian arms”-add ons for your cannon fodders. i.e. packs of arms holding tools, cups, computers, boxes, etc. (and lots of open, empty hands) so that we can build LV-426 settlers, Mad Max mechanics, starship crews, hive city dwellers, etc.”

Absolutely agree here! The binoculars in the preview render are a great start, but absolutely the sort of things Magnus mentions. Reaper Miniatures five “Bones” Kickstarters ago took a chance on doing some civilian minis, and these have become a successful part of their plastic miniatures line ever since, so there does seem to be a market for this sort of thing out here, especially with role-players and other gamers who make use of NPC characters, and diorama builders, and the like. Stargrave as a skirmish wargame also has room for medics and safe-crackers and hackers and the like, who can also make use of these sorts of “civilian” bits! Buying such bits by the box might not be viable for many gamers, but as “Accessory Sprue” add-ons, I would bet that sprues loaded with such bits – or at least which include a a significant proportion of them – would sell like hotcakes!

By the way, the Cannon Fodders absolutely look like great Stargrave figures, and with that in mind, it kinda looks like one of the preview renders from the last newsletter were for an arm holding a cowboy’s lasso. If there’s a set (or two or more!) of Wargames Atlantic wild west figures in the works, they’d make a great source of bits to mix with Cannon Fodder and other kits to create Firefly/Serenity style space desperadoes who would be great for Stargrave, and for Star Wars and Starfinder too, for that matter!

Benjamin MacConnell – November 10, 2021 @Paul Christian Sacher “Arguably, the Les Grognards Heavy Weapons can be used, since some of the Cannon Fodder sculpts (from both kits) are crouching. The main limitation is that you need to use the Les Grognards arms when manning the heavy weapons.”

It’s always tough to tell for sure from screenshots alone, of course, but from what I can tell, the Les Grognards arms from heavy weapons set ought to work just fine with both male and female Cannon Fodder. There might be a slight difference in the style of the cuffs, for example, but at that scale, the difference shouldn’t really stand out, especially with paint to tie everything together – these sorts of kits tend to be pretty forgiving of mixing-and-matching between them!

Worst offenders for this going wrong would be realistically-scaled historical kits with comparatively delicate weapons and hands, and a mix of, say, short sleeves or no sleeves at all on one arm, and long sleeves on the other, for example: it can get kind of tough to cover that sort of difference up! Les Grognards and Cannon Fodder have very similar proportions, and all the sleeves are similar enough to handwave, so I bet these kits will “bash” just fine!

For the same reasons, I expect the Accessory Sprue revealed a couple weeks ago should work really well with both the Grognards and Cannon Fodder, too, for those who might be wondering about that. That should be a great source for alternative weapons: carbines, pistols, sub-machineguns, etc., as well as prosthetic arms, and a few other useful bits.

Also, I don’t know if it’s just that there’s a great selection of test renders here, or what, but I absolutely agree with the comments from John Glass and MB: the make Cannon Fodder are great, but these are even better, there’s an amazing amount of character in those monochrome renders! And absolutely, it’s nice to see sets of tasteful and restrained female characters like this, in a hobby that can sometimes settle in cheesecake territory.

I don’t know about equal-opportunity diversity, inclusivity, or anything like that, but as an RPG player who games with family, including women and children, I like a good variety of interesting, family-friendly characters to work with, and these kits are absolutely fantastic for that!

Benjamin MacConnell - November 10, 2021

Here I was worried I’d need to buy a bunch of third-party heads to be able to customize some of the cannon fodder as women. Little did I know Wargames Atlantic would just GIVE us some female cannon fodder. Marvelous.

I think I might still go looking for mutant head bits, because Reasons.

(Also, I like that the kit will come with a “Melta gun”. Covering the bases for most used Guard weapons.)

@Axel – I suspect the oversized zippers are a concession to the 28mm scale. Nice and large, so it’s easier to both paint and see from a distance.

@Paul Christian Sacher – Arguably, the Les Grognards Heavy Weapons can be used, since some of the Cannon Fodder sculpts (from both kits) are crouching. The main limitation is that you need to use the Les Grognards arms when manning the heavy weapons.

Fimbul - November 8, 2021

Yes! Awesome! Just what I’m looking for! More variety! Please for other settings too!

Benjamin Hayward - November 8, 2021

Can’t wait for these! Also…Deckard’s gun, w00t!

Poul Christian Secher - November 8, 2021

We need a heavy weapons box for these troops….

Magnus Johansson - November 6, 2021

Given the strong demand (and no real ranges) for heroic scale sci-fi civilians (read collateral damage) for games such as Necromunda, Kill Team, Stargrave, etc. – and roleplaying – I really hope you will do ”civilian arms”-add ons for your cannon fodders.

I.e. packs of arms holding tools, cups, computers, boxes, etc. (and lots of open, empty hands) so that we can build LV-426 settlers, Mad Max mechanics, starship crews, hive city dwellers, etc.

Axel - November 6, 2021

Worth it for the heads alone :-)

Though as with the male cannon fodder I would have preferred more realistically sized (smaller) zippers.

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