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"Space Brits" Work in Progress

"Space Brits" Work in Progress

After the Cannon Fodder release this summer, our next faction for Death Fields are the "Space Brits" (name to be determined). Here's a shot of some of the parts we're working on.

There will be four bodies on the sprue with enough standard rifles and heads (with and without gasmasks) for all of them. 

We're not sure if we'll do shoulder pads, back packs, maybe epaulettes? Let us know your advice below!

Previous article Introducing The Last War


NIck RUsh - March 21, 2022

Space Brits look great epaulettes our a must plus back packs

Oliver - August 23, 2021

I agree with the comments that these are great sculpts that look individual to other manufacturers and have their own personality. There are’nt enough design features or details to distinguish them uniquely as “ Space Brits”, they can too easily be assembled as a historical looking set.
What makes the Grognards such a superb kit is the obvious historical uniform / influences but mixed with some awesome and unique looking Hi Tech weaponry like the heavy laser/ E – web gun and even the flamer weapon. Definitely throw in a few key elements like the WW2 Bazooka but with laser targeters , or a squad support weapon that resembles a vickers gun but has optional generator, cables and alternative barrel to modify it to a repeating laser cannon . Some groovy grenades and backpacks are needed here too.

Y. Whateley - August 20, 2021

I was just comparing these side-by-side with the upcoming 1916-1918 British infantry.

It seems to me that this “Space Brit” set is pretty close in spirit to Victorian Sci-Fi/Steampunk – and that’s great, as far as I’m concerned. It works well, I think, with what I’ve been seeing from the Death Fields line, while being useful for other VSF/Steampunk purposes.

Not sure how this set has been progressing since this update, but I’m hoping the modelers have taken the VSFconcept, and run with it.

I also hope that some effort has been put into dovetailing this set with the 1916-1918 British infantry, so that the two sets can be kitbashed together: include head and weapon options in one set that can be used for the other, and so on (the pith helmets in this set are a great example: there don’t seem to be any yet in the 1916-1918 set, and this seems like a great source for those who want them!)

With that in mind, though, I definitely noticed that the heads in this set fit to the bodies with a ball-in-socket fit, where the 1916-1918 British heads have a flat fit… kitbashing is still an option with a little extra work, and I’m pretty sure the proportions on the Space Brits are more “heroic” and less realistic than the 1916-1918 British, but I can’t help thinking that not using a compatible fit to get the most from kitbashing could be a wasted opportunity that would sell both kits to both sci-fi and historical gamers!

Glenn - August 13, 2021

Really like the look of these guys though would vote for no shouldpads. Then those who want the pads can kitbash these with the Les Grognards sets who do have should pads, while those that do not have an option too. Not having pads also makes it easier to distinguish these guys from the recent Gdub IG stuff.

Personally also love the weapons and join the chorus for plasma/melta weapons, though feel like the rifles are spot-on in my book.

Can’t wait to see how the heavy weapons/command turn out and of course getting a company of these dudes out on the board!

chris - July 21, 2021

definitely agree with some shoulder pads, a bren and, packs and maybe a “melta” equivalent. otherwise awesome work.

Mike - July 13, 2021

The bodies and heads are good but the weapons are just chunkier rifles which makes them less usable as Imperial Guard. Maybe some slight tweaks like the Les Grognards weapons to make them slightly sci-fi?

I’ll admit I’m loving the inclusion of shotguns (and the model for them).

Backpacks would be appreciated as would something that looks not entirely unlike a plasma gun.

Gordon Nichols - July 12, 2021

I like the look of these guys, and how cool they would be as alt Astra Militarum, especially with the pricing point of buying a platoon for half the price of a Gdub squad. I will also join the chorus for wishing a Bren gun and a PIAT to be added, along with a Vickers and a three inch mortar to create a Support Section.

I would also suggest making cavalry with horses fitted with gasmasks as a follow up set.

Don - July 9, 2021

awesome idea no kneeling ones i love grongards have purchased 10 boxes would buy alot of brits make like grongards wonderful work can,t wait

Ernesto Rodriguez - July 7, 2021

Make space amazons

bombkangaroo - July 5, 2021

@Shaun Gooch
I’m uncertain exactly how much of what Dan suggested he expects to be able to pack onto a sprue, but a little bit of what he mentions would make a lot of sense in the DF range. I think the Grognards, Raumjager and Einherjar all have some variety of “plasma gun”. The Einherjar have much more modern axes than would have been available to the Vikings they once were. The Grognards combination of gas masks with bearskins is also ahistorical.

Currently there’s absolutely nothing in the picture above that suggests it’s anything other than a historical kit, while the other DF kits do diverge from their historical counterparts in some ways, like the body armour they wear for example. If I were to make a suggestion myself, I’d be interested to go with the trench warfare theme; maybe adding shoulder pads (possibly knee pads too, not much armour, just to set them apart from the rest of the DF range) a [sci-fi] Trench Club and some kind of [sci-fi] tower shield for CQB in the tight confines of a trench or bunker.

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