The Wargames Atlantic Great Big Follow Along Contest
Last year we ran a contest to vote for a pair of traditional adversaries. The winners of that contest were the Conquistadors vs Aztecs and we will be releasing both in the coming months.
This year we want to try something more ambitious: a multi-stage contest that will also result in two new 28mm hard plastic sets...but with a twist. And with lots of prizes.
Here's how it works:
Step 1: today we open up submissions (using the form below) to enter your ONE idea for a new 28mm hard plastic set. Those who want to participate will submit just the title of a set like WW1 Argentinians or Post Apocalyptic Bankers or Twin Suns of Mars Two-Headed Camels. Please don't ask for Star Wars Stormtroopers or Game of Thrones Lannisters or Dune Sardaukar or My Little Pony Armored Cavalry as we don't own the rights to make those!
Don't do this.
Step 2: after we've received enough entries we'll put them to the vote. This vote may be done in rounds (if there are a huge number of entries) or divided by category depending on what comes in. Eventually we'll reduce them down to your Top 10.
Those who submitted the Top 10 ideas will each get their choice of a Wargames Atlantic plastic set. In the case of duplicate entries it will be determined on a first-submitted basis. You are allowed one submission per person and only the first submission will be counted.
So many choices!
Step 3: the Top 10 will be put to a vote with the winner going into production. We'll include the community in every step of the production process from the creation of the sculpting brief, to first work-in-progress renders, to 3D prints, to the sprue layout, the illustration for the box, the painted figures, and finally to the sprue itself (this is the "Follow Along" part). Whoever submitted the winning entry will also win Wargames Atlantic sets for a year: your choice of any 12 existing or upcoming plastic sets!
But wait, there's more...
Would you sell your soul to make a plastic kit?
Step 4: The Grand Prize. Have you ever wanted to design a plastic set? This could be your chance. We will be choosing one winner from ALL entries. That winner will get to pick out and design a plastic set with us!
So without further ado, submit your idea for a chance to win!
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