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FREE POSTAGE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD when you spend over $50USD/£35 Use the button at the bottom of the page to choose your local currency. We ship from our warehouses in the USA, UK (EU with IOSS), and Australia!


Wargames Atlantic Pricing Announcement 2022

Wargames Atlantic Pricing Announcement 2022

Hello Everyone,

My name is Karl Oliver-Kyriacou, and I am the Director of Sales at Wargames Atlantic.

As I’m sure everyone reading this is aware, the last 3 years have been particularly difficult for all markets and all companies.

With Covid 19 effecting every facet of life, to major trade relationships being amended overnight (Brexit), and a global cost of living crisis looming, precipitated largely by increased fuel costs globally.

It should come then as no surprise that almost every company in our little ecosystem has regrettably had a price increase in the last 12 months, and some have had to enact multiple.

Now if you keep up to date with us on our forum or social media, you will know we pride ourselves on our honesty, transparency and our commitment to you, our customers, who keep our plastic injection moulding machines working, and the lights on.

Wargames Atlantic is in a very fortunate position to not only own its own manufacturing process for our wonderfully detailed 28mm kits, but we also have a very RRP bust logistics hub which helps us service our customers wherever they are in the world.

Our warehouses in the UK, US and Australia allow us to move bulk product efficiently to a source market meaning that the cost of shipping product to you is as cheap and efficient as it can be.

Secondly, we are equally fortunate that we insisted on owning our plastic injection moulding process and machinery. This means that we do not have to negotiate with any middlemen, and ultimately we make the decisions on how much we should charge for our products or services.

Now, there is some unfortunate news that is regrettably out of our hands.

Globally the price of fuel has skyrocketed, which in this business means there has been an increase to the cost of raw materials (namely the plastic - which is up over 60% per pound!) Because of this, the production cost of a typical box has now increased by roughly $0.12.

After much consulting internally at Wargames Atlantic, we just didn’t feel right in passing this additional cost on to you, the valued consumer. So with that decision made, I am pleased to say that our ranges will remain the price you know and love for the foreseeable future.

Have a fantastic summer.

Kind regards

Karl Oliver-Kyriacou

Previous article Atlantic Digital Prints from Strange Plastic!


Jay - July 15, 2022

First time customer here. Going to be a long time customer now. Thank you for keeping this hobby affordable.

Francois Proulx - July 14, 2022

If everyone did business like that, we wouldn’t have inflation. Hats off to you and your teams for this decision.

Preston - July 12, 2022

My favorite part of all of this is the transparency. I’d have been perfectly fine paying 12¢ more per kit. So many companies these days are jacking up prices like crazy and vaguely mentioning inflation as the reasoning, I love that y’all shared with us the actual increase in costs. The honesty is incredibly refreshing.

Jakob - July 9, 2022

I really do appreciate the transparency, thats most important and you guys do a wonderful job at that (im thinking about certain other companies, where thats … lacking) – looking forward to someday fill out my halfling ranks with some calvalry maybe, have a good one!

Pete - July 9, 2022

While that is good news I for one would pay a bit more to makes sure the lights stay on for a long time. Fuel at the pump here in the uk is at a record high and for the first time since owning a car I now am trying to plan journeys to save petrol. It’s a big problem with one of our courier services charging an extra 21% fuel surcharge on top of their delivery cost. Keep up the great work and I am dying to get hold of the new WW2 range coming out with GFNG night skirmish game
Cheers pete

axel - July 9, 2022

>So the actual production cost of the box contents has gone from 20¢ to 32¢?

Its the raw material that went up. I assume the production cost are way higher, as in energy , machines, work, design, etc… not to forget logistics after production.

Overall: Smart move :-)
My overall etat is limited, and wents where the proportion of mini-value for money is good. Just waiting for the boxes to arrive in Europe.

lotsz - July 9, 2022

Your company has done an absolutely fantastic job at pleasing this customer. Thank you for the heads up and a very reasonable price adjustment. WARGAMES ATLANTIC ROCKS!!

Peter Clarke - July 8, 2022

Your stuff is legendarily good value! If you have to add 12c or 12 p to the cost of your boxed sets, I genuinely do not think any of your fans would care.

You’re so much better value than the one company who is in a position to lower their prices (I mention know names), and I’m loving my slow and gradual build-up of my sci-fi militia army using your Les Grognards models and third-party WW1 tanks.

I believe the appropriate abbreviation is FGW.

David Watson - July 8, 2022

Great to hear guys. Cant wait to start purchasing again especially your new historical ranges. Its been a tough time for all for sure with all the basic needs in life rocketing skyward. Keep up the good work. Dave

Elvar - July 8, 2022

What a “Good Guy Greg” move

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