Ideas thread for Future products in the Age of Chivalry line.

  • so i'm starting this thread as a catch-all for suggestions for future sets (plastic or digital) within this new theme.

    to start things off, this would be an excellent place to put the Empire of Mali, which while generally having it's heyday later than the knights that are starting off the line (13th and 14th century, instead of 12th-13th) still falls into the rough timeframe, and the forces could easily be used to represent the earlier Ghana empire.

    the figures would also just looks amazing, with very unique stylings.

    the channel Invicta recently released a video about the Cavalry forces of the Empire of Mali, which should give a start for such.

  • I posted about this in the Facebook group, Mali would be so unique and amazing.

    To actually contribute to this post I think it would be great to include Billmen/polearm men. Having a regular infantry box with just two handed weapons would be great. The box could have pikes and bardiches and bills and the rest 

  • I know it may not be as "accurate" as some would like, but I would love a Holy Symbol Cart, something akin to the Great Cross used in Total War: Medieval 2. May be more Digital, but it would make for an epic center of an army. 

    I'd also be keen on any large and ornate options for banners, again in digital most likely

  • you mean a Carroccio?



    Reconstruction of a Carroccio made in 2015

  • Yes, I just didn't know the name, Thank you! 

  • it's the right period, so could see it as a Digital release, i suspect it's too niche to see much plastic sales.

    looking around the italian states largely used gear similar tothe Normans that have already been released, though i'm sure there are auxilary and support infantry types with unique styles.



  • @Mithril2098 talking about Italy, making a box of pavise crossbowmen would be great. Or at least a plastic box of crossbowmen and a digital set with pavises and accurate helmets 

  • @Mithril2098 I don't know, the  carroccio is something that would be useful for fantasy gaming too, so... Maybe voxatlantic?

    Empire of Mali would be great, so would the Mongol's varous enemy/subject states in Asia (India, Veitnam, Sillia, etc.). So to would the Samurai of the timeframe.

    @Big Boi Peasents would be good too.

  • I think that billmen, pikemen, crossbowmen, handgunners and fully armored men-at-arms with polearms are already covered elsewhere.

    I actually feel the need of more variations for the late XIV century common soldier, when not fighting in formation.

    Transitional armor, brigandine armor, steel hats, barbutes, open bascinets, maces, falchions, hammers, messers, pointed axes.

    More the likes of the guards in Kingdom Come Deliverance video game, just to give a reference.

    I don't think there is any kit on the market like this.


  • i don't know about handgunners.. those tend to be from later than the periods the baron's war ruleset focuses on. (which is the game those sets were designed around) but i agree that we'll probably see billmen/pikemen/polearms (in whatever combination.. there is a fair bit of overlap there as far as potential sets), crossbowmen, and mounted knights. perhaps handgunners as an alt-build for crossbowmen?

    but that would be maybe 3-4 sets, so i'd guess that the 5th set coming might be something for the Outremer portion, or somethign that could crossover. armed monks perhaps?

  • @Mithril2098 the exact introduction of guns to european warfare is somewhat debatable, but yeah 1200's is a tad early though they did seem to exist in China at that point and Firelances may have made it across the desert steppe.

    Outremer would be good.

  • These guys look fun! 

  • I would love to see Mongol heavy horsemen mounted on fully barded steeds and as pointed out by Brian their enemies, especially the Vietnamese.

  • @Hudson Adams i feel the two on the right are close enough to the late Romans set that you could probably just do a head and shield swap. though getting a proper byzantine kit could be interesting.

  • @Brendan Flynn As someone who lives near little Saigon, yes Mongol invasion Vietnamese would be awesome, though I feel the Trịnh–Nguyễn Civil War of the 17th century would be a meater wargame topic from that nation's history.

  • Outlaws and bandits set so you can make Robin Hood and his Merry Men.  

    also Hand maidens and damsels would be sweet as I want those for my Pendragon RPG

  • @Robert Nelson wouldn't the levey and sarjents sets cover outlaws and bandits?

  • @Brian Van De Walker pretty much. the foot Serjeants would easily cover the ones that were soldiers before, while the Levy is pretty much what civilian bandits and outlaws would be dressed and equipped as. and mixing the two would give a nice rag-tag feel.

    at most i could see a digital set that's just additional heads and arms (perhaps with non-weapon stuff) to add variety.

  • I kinda like the suggestion for bandits wearing the familiar Robin Hood style costumes, even if it might be more appropriate as a "Classic Fantasy" set or possibly niche enough for only a Digital release.

    I'll add another tap on the old drum for a robed monks-and-cultists box.  I think I saw someone somewhere try to argue it would be too hard to do, but after souping up a quick band of post-apocalytpic mutants using Oathmark Goblin Slave bodies with Wargames Atlantic WWI/WWII Russian bits, I'm convinced that it shouldn't be THAT hard to do:  those goblin bodies are pretty close to what I would picure for a set like this, needing only longer robes, I think, and the arms/sleeves wouldn't be much different from what WA has already done with the Boxers and Afghans, and hooded heads are just about ubiquitous in hard plastic sets for Oathmark, Frostgrave, and Stargrave and should be easy to do.

    Sure, the monks-and-cultists thing might be another set more appropriate for fantasy, but either way it's something I'd make use of.

    I'd add at least moral support non-Western European sets in digital or plastic for "Age of Chivalry", Renaissance, Dark Ages, or anything in between or beyond - that Mali and African idea is intriguing, and I love the box of "Steppe Warrior" mongols I picked up from somewhere a few weeks ago, and would definitely buy them by the box from Wargames Atlantic.  East asian, middle-eastern, Eastern European - all seem like fascinating subjects, even if they're niche compared to the Western European thing (which will surely be at least as popular for fantasy gamers as for historical gamers!)

    I've never gotten into 3D printing, but I've really been enjoying the "What If?" Digital subjects, like Dark Ages Native Americans and so on.  Again, even if it's more suitable for Classic Fantasy, I'd get a kick outof "What If?" sets themed around Age of Chivalry.  Elves, dwarves, halflings, and the like in Knightly armor?  Sounds like fun!  What if neanderthals / Hollow Earth "Cave Men" had survived into the Age of Chivalry, what might these wild men look like, use as weapons, wear as armor?  What if the Age of Chivalry had included extinct megafauna monsters?   I like the handgunner idea, even if it is perhaps anachronistic - what if?

    Digital seems like a great way to release quick-and-easy kits for simple subjects like crowned kings and lords, along with retinues of court characters like messengers and scribes, musicians with drums and horns/trumpets and bells, priests and bishops, jesters, and so on.  "What, on a medieval battlefield, are you crazy?"  Yes, and yes - these characters would be fun for fantasy gaming, and maybe they work quite well on the organized battlefields of medieval tournaments.  I'd buy a set of such characters by the box in customizable hard plastic if I could.

    Honestly though, it otherwise seems like the Age of Chivalry is pretty well-covered by the Knights, Seargeants, peasant Levy, and mounted cavalry sets.  Those four sets cover a ton of medieval territory quite nicely!




  • @Yronimos Whateley Yeah, they kinda of do it for normal fantasy wargaming humans.

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