@Mithril2098 A set of heads would be fine by me! Pig faced orcs tend to be little different from a regular human anyway. Besides the head, of course.
@Mithril2098 A set of heads would be fine by me! Pig faced orcs tend to be little different from a regular human anyway. Besides the head, of course.
eh.. i liek the Angus McBride style underbite orcs from the cover art of the grand battle figures. those would be good in 28mm. but no reason why you couldn't do pig faced orcs as part of the varia...
personally i'm assuming only 1 per box until i hear otherwise. given the shapes involved i'd guess that each tank would probably be at least two full sprues each, and we've seen they'll do 2 full s...
With the tractors being quite small for 28mm kits do we anticipate there being more than one person box, at least for the initial ones? Maybe two or even three if we are lucky, or are they just goi...
@Hudson Adams Thank you! Hopefully this pig-faced orc train will gain traction.
@Tobias Heunemann I lik the Beastmen idea! I'd prefer the pig-faced orcs as a separate kit, but we could absolutely use more beastmen miniatures.
Just for you I'm running a poll on Facebook!
@Big Boi the size in this image is not the actual size
I like the idea! Would probably work great with the Guards and Villagers boxes! Also some variation of orc's compared to other genres would be refreshing... Maybe a box with Beastfolk in generel...
Does anyone else other than me wish to propose that Wargames Atlantic produce Pig-Faced Orcs, like the old-school Advanced DnD art from the 70s? If not as a full set, than perhaps some conversion b...
Heck yeah!. The helmets look a little big but im sure theyll look good in person. I appreciate that many of the weapon arms look easy enough to cut off at the wrists and replace with other weapons
@Charles Tottington Almost for sure the samurai.
Googling the term, I find 兵法 (Heihō) or "art of war". More literally "war system" So I'd guess it's a game for the grand battle scale samurai armies. Perhaps with two each of the ashigaru, samurai...
When I was looking at yesterday's email, I saw something about a Heiho game in a box. Now this was my first time hearing of this, and admittedly the very first thought to pop up in my mind was dwar...
https://wargamesatlantic.com/blogs/news/canadian-dollar-pricing-now-live I'd consider this as a fair move from WA in this case!
@Hudson Adams thanks for the clarification.. that actually answers a question i've seen on other forums and social media about what those dates in the weekly updates mean.
@Hudson Adams Ok, thank you SO much! Loosely related, what sort of pre-order dates would you put on the command boxes at a rough guess?
@FOD287 those are the T1 dates - first (and usually final) test shot. So add another month or so after that for release. Sometimes longer depending on the schedules.
Update! One of the three frames for the Dark Age AB set is off to tooling!
Quick question: are those dates next to the middle couple of kits the time they are predicted to go on pre-order, or something else I'm too dense to figure out?
Status update from the most recent weekly email: Coftyran Command (Box Design)Crusader Command (Box Design)Crusader Specialists (March 19)Coftyran Specialists (March 24)Western Arnyaran Infantry (...
I decided to repaint my Stormtroopers because I wasn't completely satisfied with the paintjob. I would post pictures but everytime I try to I get a notification that my post is saved and wai...
I've got one box so far, and I've built mine as a pair of 10-man squads with one sergeant, one special weapon and 8 rifles. The 4 spare guys joined a metal character I picked up from Heresy to make...
i've been trying to keep things updated here: https://wargamesatlantic.com/community/xenforum/topic/154043/coming-products-a-hopefully-ongoing-thread the next few products are command, specialists...
You can see at the bottom of the Friday weekly newsletter everything that's in the works!
These bashes are pretty slick; the war wolf looks suitably threatening. I really like how you used the different kits. 🤘🏻💀🤘🏻❤️🔥
@Andrew Stoeckle Do not own and therefor have not based any yet and honestly I am looking at them as Warrior Bug proxies for Starship Trooper (no bases needed). That said you could try cut u...
with that pic of the 1/72 tank model next to the cannongfodder trooper, i'm wondering if you couldn't convert the 1/72 tank into something for Quar.. they're short, up to about chest high on a huma...
Coming soon: Grampy's Tale of the Night-Stalker. Plus, another haunted tank. (Illustration: A Handful of Haunted Tanks with a 28mm figure and ~1/56 Model T for size comparison) ...
Just goofing off between projects and games, starting with a couple Haunted Tanks. (Illustration: The 'Frits Driving a Mark II) I. Grampy's Tale: On the 'Frits My brother and I learn...
Very nice - I especially enjoyed seeing the creative "misuse" of those demon shields: they make excellent armor like that, and that armored critter is, I think, the star of this show! W...
I have started assembling and painting a box of harvester. Great minis, massive pain to glue the legs on. Right up there with the spiders for frustration. Unlike the spiders, the harvesters don't ...
And the stormtrooper so far
Wolfy got painted first
And to make use of more stuff I had laying around they got a "little" mascot... The base miniature was a 3d printed wendigo I got from my wife. I cut off the head and hands. The Claws are ...
And since I had a STUG collecting dust I decided to use it for this army as a superheavy tankdestroyer
And here is the second squad of cold blooded killers
Of course, every proper Regiment needs a noble leader. Or in this case a bloodthirsty a**hole. The right arm needed some cutting and repositioning to fit the pose but in the end imho it works ou...
As my heretic hands got hold of a box of Valkir, there was no other option than to make some fine Traitor Stormtroopers out of them. At first I built the Valkir out of the box, except for the he...
Agreed - Tootie makes a fine unofficial mascot for Wargames Atlantic! I was laughing all day the other day about the one where Tootie was talking about how his quiver magically sticks to his hip l...
Laying down the first baselayers
@Andreas Mayrhofer Hell, yeah, those look excellent! I agree with you 100% about the proportions. The only thing I like about the Primaris is their size; Astartes should have always bee...
@Hudson Adams thanks Hudson. I really appreciate that WGA is giving kitbashers endless possibilities. The whole bunch ready for priming
Dang, that looks fantastic! I grabbed the smaller brown one as a "shuttle/drop ship;" I'm still working on it (the mantra of the true miniatures hobbyist! 😆). Seeing that bigger one on ...
I love him. Bad jokes are my jam, and Tootie frigging rules! Whoever's idea that was, keep this goofball going for as long as you can!